Monday, January 31, 2022


 January 20, 2022 
(real time, out of blog sequence)

Vision from God

    While returning from Orlando, FL to Phoenix, AZ on Frontier Airlines, God gave me a vision followed by a warning/encouragement to His children. May it bless you and transfer any fear of man onto fear of God alone.


    First, God gave me a vision of the number five, which represents God's goodness and grace. He broke down the shape of the number 5 into two sections the first with the 3 and 2 = 5 and then another 5, culminating in 10. Three is divine completeness and perfection and two is union; division; witnessing. What God reveals to me in this is that when we come unto union with the triune God, we are complete and  there is perfection. With that union also comes a division, a separation between us and the world. Furthermore, a separation between us (God's children) and the plans of the enemy. Hallelujah! When we act in this flow of God's unity and division with satan, we are true witnesses, filled with the joy of the Lord and not swayed by the temptations of the devil. When 5 and 5 come together for the 10, it means testimony; law and responsibility. We now enter the courts of heaven, where we are in full knowledge of our true identity and purpose in Christ!! All of that, wrapped up again inside the number 5, again meaning divine completeness and perfection.

    Around the dots creating the number 5, He showed me a palm tree. Going up the palm tree, there are usually rings created on the trunk over time. If you were to glance, you would see the rings, as a palm tree would normally have. But if you investigate further, you may see a snake winding up the trunk. Revealing that things aren't always what they seem.

I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.
~Matthew 10:16 NIV

Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
~Matthew 10:16 BSB

AMP adds [have no self-serving agenda]

TPT starts like this Now remember, it is I who sends you out, even though you feel vulnerable as lambs going into a pack of wolves.


    Evil is coming to the surface. Children of God, be wise! Use discernment. Much evil is rising. Evil will not be hidden. You will be fooled if you do not ask for discernment and stay close to God. Pray. Seek His face. You cannot be lukewarm. You cannot. You will be swallowed up by Satan himself if you do not seek His face. Satan is sending his minions straight to those who profess Jesus is Savior, Lord is King. Be warned. 

    This is a time for His children to rise up into places of authority and power in all areas of life. We- God's army, His troops must prepare ourselves. We will have INCREDIBLE favor. The more you lean on God, the richer the reward. Ridiculous blessings pouring out from heaven. Your hands won't be able to hold it all. You are meant to share the blessings but the ones you want to reach may not be able to receive them. Their hands might be closed too tightly. Pray children. Pray. Fast and pray for your loved ones. Do those things God has called you to do. There is no time to waste. No hesitation. He will provide everything EVERYTHING you need and beyond to carry out whatever vision He has called you to accomplish. 

    We must have backbones of steel, cemented in integrity, with minds, hearts, emotions, finances, and souls completely yielding to our head commander, the Holy Spirit. The Living Word is alive. Alive! Alive!! Read the word with a hunger to digest beyond human capability. Get ready for heavenly downloads. Remember, God always has our back. We don't need to turn back. Remember Lots' wife, how she turned back when God told her not to and then turned into a pillar of salt. Do not turn back! Do not be fearful of what is behind you. God is there. We are to be forward moving and thinking-- aligning ourselves completely to the will of God.

    No excuses. Grab hold of the vision. Hallelujah. God is stirring up divine encounters and working on our behalf in lightening speed. No delay. Acceleration is in motion. Praise Him as you proceed forward. Praise Him as you are on mission. It is a glorious time for His children. Remain joyful. Let the world see your joy. There is nothing that can contain God, the Great I AM. And that same God, the same Great I AM is living inside of you. 

    The lion is roaring! Go deep. Cast wide nets. The harvest will exceed all that you can imagine. The dead will come alive. Depression will turn to joy unexplainable. Bitterness and hatred to evangelism. Satanists declaring Jesus, King! Murders and thieves compassionate for the elderly and orphaned. Be prepared to have your mind blown! Yeeeeehaaa

*Often God will use real life events to show me prophetic words. There are experiences that I had that helped give insight to this word. I may add it to this later or do it separately. I just want to get this out now, for it is a timely word. God bless each of you!!


  1. What are the references?
    He’s A Methodical moving GOD.

    1. References for what? I apologize, not sure how to answer your question.

  2. Tara, what a powerful word from the Lord. I am hearing similar from other in touch believers. About the evil that is being unleashed and that we MUST have our face focused on Jesus Christ.
    I am thankful to the Lord for our meeting today. I knownit was a divine appointment set up by God. He is doing this more frequently, yet I still am amazed in His wonders and workings.
    May God continue to bless you and send you where He needs you most.
    God Bless
    Your sister in Christ
