Monday, March 7, 2022

CA Surprise

December 22-29, 2021


Deserted Rest Stop

    This was my first siting in California, that is after the customs stop at the border. When I say border, I don't mean from Mexico but from Nevada. I had never seen such a thing going from one state to another where cars are searched and questioned about importing across state lines. Then one after another, I saw graffiti adorned abandoned buildings along the side of the highway. The first functional rest stop I saw dropped my jaw. Gas prices were DOUBLE that of the rest of the country. At that moment, gas was around $2.80-3.20 in Nevada. After crossing the border into California, it was over $6.00!!!!!! That was the highest I saw it. The lowest I found (and I covered a lot of ground in the state) was around $4.50. 


    I rolled up and down the crazy mountains in Central California into the big dips and rises of San Francisco streets. When I arrive to meet my childhood buddy Darnel, I was greeted with white elf outfits from head to toe for her and her amazing daughter, Zoey. Carrying glow sticks, they took me on an excursion through their neighboring streets to experience west coast, San Fran, Christmas Eve. We went to the "Glow Park" and on the way we greeted some glowing Christmas Trees who danced, sang and took pictures with us. A great way to bring in the joy of Christmas!

Glow Trees

    On our first walk, we found this treasure (below) on the park bench. Someone carefully packaged sandwiches so no one would go hungry on Christmas. Then, I find out my friend and her daughter took to the streets the day prior to distribute socks to the homeless on their elf-mobile (see below).

Sandwiches for the Homeless on Christmas

Elf Sock Run to the Homeless

    My friend Darnel gets ideas and puts them to action. As a follower of Christ, I really questioned how much I do for the community. Here's my friend that doesn't profess Jesus as King and yet acting like Him. She definitely inspired me. 

Childhood Friends

Fed like a Queen

    Darnel is very talented in many ways. Not only is she an artist (see & support but she is a great chef! I arrived to tender steak with grilled veggies and next day to this succulent salmon wrapped up with fancy rice and fixings! yum yum!!! 

    The best part of the trip was Zoey. She is just as feisty as I remember Darnel was when we were kids. On Christmas Day, we snuggled on the couch and I read to her a special book that Darnel's mom had sent about Jesus. Zoey asked me questions and I did my best to answer them. It wasn't a long moment but it is one that I hope Zoey remembers. Seeds of love for the Father were planted and that fills my heart still, to this day. 

    When I left San Francisco, I was singing to Jesus on my way to the car. Every person I met on the street, responded favorably to "God Bless you". I was not expecting such a response. Although I almost got rejected from seeing a movie because I didn't have a vaccine passport (which didn't make me feel so welcome to my freedom), California surprised me with how open and accepting it was to the love of Jesus.


    Darnel suggested that I contact another childhood friend, Dawn. We are Facebook friends and I haven't seen or talked to her since maybe middle school. I thought for sure she'd think the idea was crazy but, eh why not? With four kids running around single digits to teens, she was still willing to see me. It was such a beautiful visit. I met her whole family that brimmed with joy, curiosity and a passion for life. She shared her story of how she was standing up to the mandates as carefully as she could without ostracizing her kids or putting her family in danger (yes, it's that serious). A friend of her daughter that doesn't know she's unvaxxed, called the unvaxxed "killers that want to reduce the population". This came from a child. Unfortunately, I have heard this same sentiment echoed from my first client who stuck with me for years. He asked me if I would reconsider getting vaccinated. When I said I'm firm on my decision he actually called me a killer and screamed at me over the phone. I give her a lot of credit for being wise and sticking to her beliefs. Below is a pic of her beautiful home that she decorated in a Christmas wonderland.

Childhood Friend's San Diego Christmas

    While in San Diego, I headed down to the border to see what the situation really looked like and to pray. At the utmost western border of California and Mexico, there is an International Park. The closer you get, the more vegetation you see. The roads are riddled with pot holes and small lakes after a rainstorm (which it was). Eventually, you reach signs of a park. The beach section was closed. The rolling hills backed up to a view of a not-so-distant bordered wall. As much as I desired to go for a hike, I thought it best that a solo grinka ought not venture into that unknown. I did find a park worker and I asked him about safety and potential border issues. He said they never have any issues and the border patrol do a great job. I ventured closest I could to the border driving in the picture below where the roads became eventually impassable. I ran into a border patrol car and they checked to see what I was up to. In this stretch, there is a highway behind the wall and it's a pretty active area. In my estimation, California borders seem safe and the wall is helpful.

Border Field State Park at Southern CA Border

Border Wall at Mexico

Homeless Tents in CA

    I had heard about the sprawling homeless in California, mostly in Los Angeles but I had a first-hand view of it. Above, is a picture of tents on an overpass. I saw tents and RVs lined up near the border of Mexico near the Port of Entry San Ysidro. All signs were in Spanish. I was surprised by the large open spaces for sale near the border and all the construction going on. Many big companies with warehouses. 

Land Ready for Sale at Border

Directly across the street from Property Above

    California surprised me in general with how pro-Jesus it was. I traveled all the way from San Fran to the Mexican border. I saw Jesus billboards and signs on the side of the highway the whole route. At rest stops, "God Bless you" was returned with a smile. Not many people seemed pleased with Governor Newsom.

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