Sunday, January 9, 2022

CO PART II- The Good! (Church up in Here)

December 2-14, 2021 



    In searching for a church, I went online and searched for the prophetic. My friend was thinking of going and the time was right, so that was the one. It had been a while since I had set foot in a church service. and I was looking forward to it. My friend decided not to go, but I'm so glad I went anyway. The worship was incredible and the presence of the Holy Spirit was thick. I was blessed to go twice. Worship lasts over an hour and many step forward with visions and words from God. The shofars blow, flags fly high and voices soar in praise and worship. It was glorious and just what I needed. After service, they have prayer and fellowship with a generous display of food. My tummy was filled, as well as my Spirit.

Gateway on Mount Zion Church in Golden, Colorado

Meal and fellowship after service

    During worship, an older gentleman approached me and told me that my dancing blessed him and told me that if it blessed him, how much more did it bless God (wow, that was very beautiful). Then he told me that I would see the transformation in the house that I had been desiring (praise the Lord, I'll call it done, hallelujah!) 

    The title of the message from the first service I went to was "Familiarity Breeds Contempt". It felt aligned with the current temperature of religion and churches across the nation that I had perceived. I went up for prayer at the end of service and received a beautiful blessing. They didn't speak until they heard from God. They prayed in tongues until one of the gentleman spoke (there were three praying for me). 

    The first gentleman said that God was already beside me, that I didn't need to strive and that I am His bride (this is a confirmation of a word I had received over 2 years ago). He anointed me with oil and prayed over my feet. He said that I have favor in my travels and that I will be provided for (um....can I get an amen?...and wait until the future 'but wait ...there's mores'!!) He continued to say that God will always make a place for me and that if no place could be found, I was always welcomed back there :). The woman praying told me that I was on a covert operation and that I was sent to pray for the nations (that tickled my heart, as I like the idea of covert operations). Another gentleman finished off the blessings. He told me that I was an intercessor and that God wanted me to take that authority to the next level. He told me not take any slack from the enemy and that he is terrified of the Holy Spirit in me. He said that as I operate in the authority of Christ, the resistance from the enemy will be removed. Some intercession will be for the United States and some for the leaders of America. I can't fall into the enemies traps because God has already revealed them to me (praise the Lord)! He said he had a vision of the Whac-A-Mole where the heads would pop up but I would bang them down (take that Satan)!

This was the prayer God gave me afterwards:
Lord, show me how to intercede with full authority. Let me not grow complacent, or weary or frustrated. Reveal to me where, who, and when at all times. Make me highly aware of appointments in the Spirit. That I may only do as the Father commands, speak as He says to speak and think pure, act pure and be pure. Help me Father to be in Your Will at all times. I love you Father. I love you, I love you.

    The second week, I wasn't sure if I should return to Gateway or watch Church International online. I had been waiting for my friend to return from walking Bingo and hoping she might want to come with me or watch online. She didn't want to do either, which prompted me to go. Glad I did! 

    The morning announcements urged us to break off the spirit of delay from inheritances, healing, money and any other blessings (bring it, prayer warriors)!! There was a special speaker and presentation for an organization called "Wine Oil Bread 4 Heart" See link: A couple from the church were led by God to drive down to Juárez, Mexico. They befriended a whole community living with barely the basics and much in need. In need not only of food and clothing but also urgent prayer for protection against child abductors that steal children for many reasons including sexual ritual abuse. Yes, people can be that perverted. This will not be the first you will hear of such a thing.

    A subject closer to home for those in Golden, Colorado is their ministry that targets one-on-one discipleship, where each person is encouraged to bring one person to church and foster their understanding of Christ. Out of this, came one woman's passion to help local children. She brings a handful of children to church every week. This week, we were lifting up Angie and Angel, two siblings. Angie is a little girl who was flown into the air, hit by a reckless driver running from the police. The little brother knew to pray for her sister immediately. It is believed that God answered his prayers. She miraculously walked away with no broken bones.

    This worship was incredible. One gentleman was watching the flags and he came up to declare that simply watching the flags released and unlocked a gift of prayer in him! Another woman, received a beautiful vision of Jesus as lamb, lion and Himself coming to the altar and those worshipping were coming to his feet. When we came to Him, some opened a door and some opened a window to new gifts that we will walk in on a deeper level. Those with the window required more creativity and more letting go as it was a smaller space to go through. The blessings on the other side of these doors and windows were attained by trust and faith. As we worshipped, we became flames that warmed the Father's heart (isn't that a gorgeous image)??? 

Hebraic definition of names revealing deeper revelation

    The message of this week was about how to be a good responder and encouragement to go deeper into the word. Often, we seek and strive to see what the Father is doing when all we need to do is react to what the Father is doing. The image above sums up the names of the twelve apostles and what their names in Hebrew reveal to us. More and more, I have been led by God to look deeper into scripture and look up cities and words I don't know. But names? I didn't think of that.

People lined up for prayer after service.

    This message continued in the prayer I received afterwards. You do not need to strive, I was told. The people praying for me encouraged me to sit quietly with God and be in His presence. I did. It was wonderful. 

This was my vision:
I was traveling in a tunnel burrowed into the soil underneath the earth until I came upon a fork. I didn't know which way to go and as I pondered which way I should take, God miraculously created another tunnel as an option. Before I could choose one of the three options, I was traveling above them all, still under the earth but in a tunnel that was being created as I continued forward. Next thing I knew, I was on a majestic horse. God made us smaller or the tunnel bigger so that we could fit through. Then the horse grew wings and took off into the sky. I jumped on top of the horse and was surfing in the sky. I wanted to do a flip around the horse and God let me. 

    God was teaching me to trust and rely on Him alone. That it's His provision and security beneath me. I was so encouraged by this vision. I felt like anything was possible. All my cares and concerns about where I would go next and how I would get there started to melt away.

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