Sunday, January 9, 2022

CO- PART I- The Bad and the Ugly

December 2-14, 2021


    I had been eager to pray at the Denver Airport. I had heard of the tunnels below expanding for miles, used for human trafficking and drug laundering. Further research revealed a new term for me: D.U.M.Bs (Deep Underground Military States). According to QAnon (see link for "Our Great Wakening" on side), there are at least 1,400 DUMBS being built by our government and funded by drug money and human trafficking money (yes, I did say the government was knowingly using our tax dollars to finance human trafficking and drug laundering). You may think this is way out there conspiracy theory. Don't take my word, go research it for yourself (asking God for discernment is a must). 

    I didn't even know about "Blucifer", a demonic blue horse with flaming red eyes that was erected for all to see before entering the airport. One finally reaches this demonic sculpture after miles of nothing (above ground that is). The airport sprawls across 53 square miles. The artist who created this piece has since passed. He died while making it. The head rolled off and sliced through his femoral artery. Luis Jiminez was commissioned by the city of Denver in the late 90s to create this sculpture for $650,000. It has since been insured for over $2 million. The airport itself opened $2,000,000,000 (yes, not 2 thousand, not 2 million but 2 trillion) over budget (add over 20yrs inflation to that amount).


    The DIA was on my heart and a must, prayer spot for my travels. Even though I am physically alone, I try to always connect with my tried and true prayer partners to combat the enemy 2 by 2 (or more, if possible). Aunt Ronnie was on the ready. I called her up and we tore that place up. God shifted the atmosphere and it was a triumphant day! We started at all corners and levels of the parking garage, blowing the shofar praying in tongues and how the Spirit led. 

Blowing Shofar in parking garage

    Inside the airport, we walked all corners, to every part one is allowed without a ticket. We blew our shofars loud and clear and not a flinch. No security. I chalk it up to God's covering. I could've been arrested, escorted out in cuffs. Possibly dramatic but at this hour the world is in? Eh. To God be the glory. We blew the shofars in three different places. At the last shout of the trumpet, there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. A woman holding her baby commented on how beautiful the sound. When I went outside, smiles galore. Each following blow of the horn brought the people to life. One petite, asian woman stared and said, that's amazing! Another black woman in scrubs stopped in her tracks and said, boy that's lovely! I asked her name, she said "Apple Pie" (you can't make this stuff up). She continued, you won't forget that! I want you to pray for me! Happily, I replied, of course. All this time, Aunt Ronnie has patiently been on the phone waiting for the prompt to blow the trumpet and experiencing everything through the earpiece.

Blowing shofar inside the airport


    A common prayer journey I will take is to the Masonic Lodges. Had no idea I would wind up on Broadway, the pit of homelessness and drugs. As I walked down the sidewalk, there was hardly any life in anyone's eyes to be seen. Marijuana is legal here but most people I saw looked like they were beyond that kind of high.  

Homeless and lost on the streets

Moriah outside a bar cranking at 2pm

    At 2pm, I saw this blacked out establishment covered in graffiti with the bass line vibrating out onto the street. Outside, I met Moriah (see above). She slapped me a full dose of attitude when I asked if she knew Jesus. Snapping fingers and all. She knew she was a daughter of the most high king. She knew God washes away our sins. I asked her if she was on anything. Oh, yes! She said. Cocaine and alcohol. She was waiting for her aunt that was inside the club. She is a mother of five. I asked God if it was alright to do some deliverance. I received peace, so I boldly commanded those demons to get out of her and take away her high. I didn't see any change in the natural but I'm believing that every word of truth spoken was deposited in her soul and I'm declaring Moriah addiction free and in love with Jesus. Will you join me in that prayer?

A Gay Sex Shop

International Church of Cannabis with Rainbow Flags and Alien Murals

    There seemed to be no limit or shame to what was right out in the open for all to see. Sex and drugs and despair lined the streets. Roving eyes, seeking out the next fix followed by lewd displays of affection on the corner. The last photo was of a church dedicated to getting high. I believe there was an actual wedding taking place when I passed by. A woman in a white wedding gown and man in tuxedo were preparing to enter the building. When I blew the shofar, it was the only place in Denver I was mocked.

    In the morning God led me to Luke 11:34 and had me dissect it. Then he unraveled deeper meaning.

Your eye is the lamp of the body. When your eye is good, your whole body is also full of light. But when it is bad, your body is also full of darkness. Take care then, that the light in you is not darkness. 
~Luke 11:34

God reveals: EYE do not look to evil with a yearning or lust. 
Do not judge others. Pointing the finger at someone else leaves 3 pointing back at you
Be the eyes of Jesus. Emanate His love, mercy and grace.

    I do not share these things so we can tsk tsk and shake our heads at how terrible people are. Remember, we're all one step away from the cliff. I share all this so that we are not ignorant as to the darkness out there. We are equipped with the authority of Christ to command the demons of destruction that have been allowed reign in Denver to be cut off and trampled on. Come on prayer warriors! 

Look, I have given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will ever harm you. However, don't rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
~Luke 10:19-20

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