Tuesday, January 11, 2022

CO-PART III Time to say Goodbye

 December 2-14, 2021


    God always knows what we need and usually exceeds our expectations. I love nature so much and it makes me feel close to God. From New York to Alabama, up to Ohio and extended stay in Illinois, even beyond to my stay in Montana, I was planted in the upright sitting position while driving for days or too cold to do anything while stationary. Meeting up with Vicki and Steve didn't only delight my heart by connecting to friends but it also brought me on some beautiful hikes!

Laughing with friends

Deep into the woods

    Our first nature excursion was up in the mountains and away from the chatter of life. Vicki had thought that we could find a little fort that she made with Steve and friends. Unbelievably, we found it! We were even able to make a little fire. It was so special. Vicki warned me that we might see mountain bears. I didn't actually see the whole bear but we did find a bear's hide (see below). I know meat is great and all but isn't the hide useful? It seemed a shame to leave it behind.
Building a fire!

Bear hide

    The second hike was in a cute town, not far from the church I attended in Golden. I actually forgot my shofar at church and a lovely gentleman I met at church picked it up for me. I was able to pick it up and get a blessing from him on my way out. Don prayed for me, gave me food for sustenance and a big 'ole hug. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Don!

Me, Vicki and Steve

    One of my final nights, Steve and Vicki treated me to a lovely home cooked meal. Before dinner, Vicki showed me how to make beaded ornaments that she was making for Christmas and afterwards, we all played bananagrams. It was heaps o' fun! One of my highlights of this visit was seeing Vicki's brother. He was interested in getting to know Jesus more and I had the privilege of leading him in a prayer for salvation. 

    Vicki and Steve have made such a wonderful life for themselves in Colorado. They showed me such an abundance of kindness. Please pray for all my friends in Colorado, old and new. That they have a rich life on this side of heaven full of all the richness God has for us. I ask God to multiply every blessing they bestowed upon me toward them in every aspect of their lives: financially, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.