Saturday, January 1, 2022

SD-MN-ND Back to the Earth

 November 22, 2012

    This drive north was really great. The first leg of the trip took me up the border of Iowa and Nebraska. I don't believe Big Red has ever before experienced such high speeds! She has exceeded all of my expectations!! I had the worst allergy attack in my life but after that it was aces (I was told it was probably due to the corn fields)!

80 mph on Big Red

    I was happy to leave the eeriness of Iowa and Nebraska and head north to a shift in the atmosphere. I knew that the Dakotas were filled with Native Americans and I was delighted to meet one!


    I am grateful that I stopped at these Sioux Falls. There, I met a couple named William and Jennifer and their little dog. 

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

    Above is a still shot of the beautiful falls. The sun was very bright and the chill in the air was very cold. Sooooo grateful for when the sun shines on those chilly days. God has blessed me with very few days of precipitation and the few times they occurred, I was in places I could stay put (for the most part).

Jennifer and her doggy

    Happily stretching my legs and walking around this beautiful park, I came across Jennifer and her dog. Of course, we get talking about Jesus and she's a believer! Her story is incredible. Once she was homeless and on drugs but is now helping others. She is currently happy holding a steady job at a fast food restaurant and making an honest living. She married William (video below) who is a Lakota Indian. He also struggled with drugs, alcohol and homelessness. He is still struggling with trauma. Please pray for William and Jennifer. 

Lakota Indian singing

    This was a highlight of my trip. I asked God for opportunities to minister to the Native Americans and bring peace between us. And violá, God answers. As Jennifer led me to her husband, he was singing. I asked her if I could record him. This was such a rare opportunity and a miracle that I was able to capture this moment. William's best friend died here. At these falls, a boy jumped into the water and his friend dove in to save him. Unfortunately, neither of them survived. As a result, safety railings were installed and he comes to this place every year to sing Lakota songs in honor of his friend and the little boy that passed.

    We prayed together and it was divine. There was a healing that occurred, one that plants seeds of healing for the nation at large. There is so much land that was ripped from them and I don't find the Native American population gets to experience much unity and healing with people outside their communities. In that moment, we came together. I acknowledged their pain and offered a slice of God's peace through prayer. William especially carries a lot of nervous energy. During the prayer, a great shift occurred and he expressed gratitude for that. They both blessed me, as well, with prayer.

South Dakota State Penitentiary

    William had spent recent time in jail and I could sense a looming criminal presence in the area. Sure enough, as I was leaving the park, I came across the South Dakota penitentiary. God is so good. I was able to pray over the building and blow the shofar.


Welcome to Minnesota!

    I didn't spend much time in Minnesota. The few people I met were very friendly. I also had a first experience and hopefully it is one that I will not experience again. Never have I ever...

Stock photo from internet of truck with hay

    While turning a bend in the road, a truck carrying barrels of hay was coming from the other direction. As we passed, a barrel of hay flew off and hit the front window of the truck. Praise Jesus, I didn't loose control of the wheel completely. The hay blew away fast enough for me to see the road again and get back on track. Things one would never encounter on Long Island!


    The further north I got, the more and more pleasant the people seemed to get. I booked a hotel in Fargo, North Dakota. On the way, another never have I ever... I saw live bait being sold at a gas station (see pic below). This wouldn't be the last live bait siting! It was the first time but not the last.

Live bait at the gas station!

    When I arrived at the hotel, the very cheery and welcoming gentleman at the front desk informed me that there would be a free dinner that evening if I was interested. Free dinner? Yes, that pleased me greatly. pulled chicken, salad and potato chips. Jehovah Jireh shows off, again!

Free dinner at the hotel

    The kindness of Fargo has left a lasting impression on me. All I ever knew of Fargo was a dark and strange movie that I saw glimpses of years ago. From the front desk to the people at the market across the street and everywhere I stopped along the way, the people were incredibly friendly. All accepted the "God bless you" and usually responded with a "you, too!"

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