Thursday, January 20, 2022

UT- PART III But wait...there's more!

 December 18, 2021


    I wasn't ready to leave Utah. After hiking and quiet time with the Lord, I drove by a few hotels, including this big hotel crafted into the hills of the mountainous rocks. On a whim, I called to see how much it would be a night. Since the hostel in town was $80, I wasn't expecting anything under $150. To my surprise, it was $70 (with good ole trusty AAA)!!!! 

My Place Hotel

    It's called "My Place" and it's a chain. This was definitely "my place". My friend even blessed me with a night here as a Christmas present. God pampered me. Let's check out what they offered...

View of the room

Outdoor hot tub in the evening

View from the window

    This place was a palace. It was a spacious room with a gorgeous view including spectacular sunrises. A big reclining lounge chair and desk. A spacious bathroom with non-wimpy water pressure. A kitchenette with a full size refrigerator, stove top and sink! But wait...there's more! A HOT TUB!!!!! Oh, I praised the Lord in that hot tub and I even swam in the pool (then jumped back in hot tub).

Gourmet meals for cheap

    I was tickled pink at the kitchenette. I was concerned about getting enough greens and also about finances. I had just paid house taxes and those of you from Long Island know how much that stings. But GOD! I do not have a mortgage (again, praise Jesus! only by His grace), so there is no monthly paying option. When that chunk came out, I pulled in the reigns and was able to get about 10 meals out of $50 worth of groceries. And healthy eating, at that! All praise to the Lord. Check out the lentils, broccoli  and hard boiled eggs breakfast, above. There are hard boiled eggs in a package available and steamed veggies in a bag. Quick, healthy, filling and tasty. It's in these moments where life seems utterly complete.

Back to the hikes

Inside Arches National Park

Red Rocks

    Ok, I don't know if you can hear the echo in this video below at all, but it was there in person. I was singing along, praising God and all of a sudden, I noticed the mountains echoed a response. It was so wild. It was faint but it was there. It was as if God designed and created the whole place so just me and Him could sit together and chill out. Thanks, Papa.



    Realizing that my next place would be Las Vegas, Nevada, it hit me just how important it was to have this quiet time with the Lord. I love this last picture because it reminds me that the path may be narrow and unknown but as long as I'm with the Lord, it will all be in His strength and therefore manageable. In a time where we truly don't know what tomorrow will bring and perhaps feeling like freedom has been stripped from us and that our nation is on a terrible course... I remember that I place my trust in Jesus.

Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
~John 14:6

    If you don't know Jesus and you are reading this right now, it isn't by coincidence. He has been tugging at your heart for some time and He desires you to know Him fully, to surrender your whole self to Him and to be made new. There is hope in the name of Jesus. Simply to say His name out loud "Jesus" and He will come to you. If you are riddled with fear and anxiety, if you do not see where this world can get better, how your life can improve, there is hope in the name of Jesus. 

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
~James 4:7

That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
~Romans 10:9

    It's that simple. Surrendering to Jesus is an adventure of a lifetime. This journey of mine was afforded by and paid for by the stripes on the back of Jesus. His blood and suffering is my joy and salvation. For those that know me, you know I have joy and peace. Do I struggle? Yes. The struggle will not end until we leave this earth but the riches of heaven can be attained on this side. It's worth a shot, no?

    If you are thinking about accepting Jesus as your Lord and savior...if you did already but don't know where to go from there...if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. I will pray with you and seek the Lord on your behalf. Not one of us is alone. 
