Tuesday, January 18, 2022

CO-UT The Storm Before the Calm

December 15, 2021


    Upon leaving Colorado, I heard that there was a "squall" coming but didn't pay it much attention. I thought it was time to leave, so I set out about 5:30am and took to the roads. Now, keep in mind, Big Red has performed very poorly in the past with snow. Since then, I am super careful in rain and snow. Praise the living Lord, I put heavy duty tires on last year that have proven to be the best move ever! 

    At the start, the roads were fine. There was no sign of snow. I made it through the city just fine. And then....the "squall". These crazy onslaughts of white powder completely obstructed my entire view of the road. I slowed down to about 20mph until there was a pull off and I just figured I'd wait it out. After about 1hr I started to wonder if I would run out of gas or get trapped in the snow accumulating around me. I got antsy and the sun was peeking out, so I figured I'd try to join the cars that had amassed on the highway. 

    Not long after I returned to the highway, that traffic came to a stop and go crawl, which soon slowed to a halt. Ugh. That lasted about 30minutes. Another wave of movement started. I was so excited. Then, I noticed that all the cars were exiting off the next off-ramp. Oh, yes! We must be driving around the obstruction, I thought. Not so much. Apparently, when the weather gets really bad, these big railroad type red and white arms close off parts of the winding road to avoid accidents. Fortunately, I had enough time before following the trail of cars off the exit to check GPS and discover that staying on the highway was my best bet. Eventually, the arm lifted and we were free to continue on our way. 

The "Squall"

Runaway Truck Ramp

    Never have I ever....seen one sign, never mind many signs, offering runaway truck ramps. These signs prepared trucks that have lost control to pull off to these steep inclines to prevent them from steam rolling over the rest of us poor little suckers on the road and create mass chaos within seconds. Seeing so many of these signs and ramps made my stomach curl a little. They wouldn't exist, if it didn't happen and what better opportunity for them to occur than a squall!....but God!!

Stormy skies (no, it's not nighttime)

    The skies went dark and looming snow remained but eventually, it subsided and the sun won out. Though icy and slushy sections of highway remained, I had full control of the truck the whole time. Praise the living, mighty Lord!!

The beginning of visibility

One of many Tunnels


    Not too far into Utah, it was as if, I entered into a differed dimension. The snow had completely vanished and the tumble weed began to take over. I pulled off at the first rest stop, eager to stretch and remove my white knuckled hands from the steering wheel. It was a relief to have arrived in Utah! Aside from the vandalized dumpster (for some reason, there were many of these appearing, all of a sudden), it was a beautiful view. This lovely path led up to a cute little overhang with a bench. Again, it was vandalized and all along the path there were traces of garbage but it still didn't take away the charm and magnitude of Gods expanse.

First Rest Stop in Utah!

Utah scenery

A Rainbow in the Sky, peeking out between the clouds

    Although it seemed a little off-course, I decided to take a more scenic route to my destination. Wow, wow, wow! So glad I did. Later, everyone had said Rte 128 is a must and now I know why. Absolutely stunning. Pictures do this place ABSOLUTELY no justice, at all. This first one (below) gives somewhat of a taste as to the richness and diversity of the topography. I think the speed limit was 40mph but I couldn't force myself to go more than 20mph, at most. It was breathtakingly stunning. Red, deep red. Crimson laced with mauve. Layer upon layer of jagged curves, dips and indents. Only the Master could design such  endless beauty. 

    It was here that the colors of our human skin coming from the dirt of the earth really came to life, for me. We really were made from the clay of the earth! Such rich beauty. A reflection of the many different hues of man found throughout the face of the earth. From ivory to ebony and every shade in-between. I felt so connected to God in this moment, like I understood creation a little bit more.

Scenic Route 128

Tee hee hee

Sunset Stunning

    Despite the sun receding, I couldn't make myself drive faster. I wanted to forever imprint this image on my heart. I didn't want this experience to end. My mind was devising ways to survive in a tent in the crevice of these ridges. Would it really be too cold to sleep in the back of the truck?? Ah...yes. Thank God, it wasn't too, too long before reaching the airbnb reserved for the next 2 nights.

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