Thursday, January 20, 2022

UT- PART I Be Still and Know That I Am God

December 16, 2021


    Upon arriving at Utah, I was chilled at the bone. I was excited to sleep in a bed and have absolute silence. I took an epsom salt bath and watched the sunrise from bed. Light blue eclipsed to shades of red. The mountains withheld the full force of the sun at 7:30am, as I snuggled with Papa and His Word. 

Notice the snow capped mountains

Hidden Valley Trail

Desert in the cold

    Despite the cold, I knew the sun would hold me. I finally pushed myself out the door around 11am and made it to the Hidden Valley Trail. It was within walking distance of the airbnb I booked. It was beautiful, but it wasn't exactly what I needed. You could still see and hear the traffic below and it wasn't that rigorous of a hike. 

    I went back to the room for a snack and headed back out. This time, I went near the Arches National Park. That was it. That was where I needed to go. 

Colorado Riverway Bridge

Colorado River (in Utah)


    The variety of cacti and shades of color stole my heart. It took me almost getting to the other side of the country but it is here, that I was able to settle my mind and my heart. I finally had a moment to breathe, to connect to God's word and then sit in His magnificent presence, in the raw, unadulterated nature that He created. 

Gorgeous Views

Arches National Park Entrance

Outskirts of Arches National Park

Relaxing with God

    In the morning, I had been reading in Samuel. After a message I heard in Colorado, I was looking up every name in scripture, hoping to dive deeper into God's word, and the hidden treasures in plain site. In 1 Samuel 14:2, Saul was under the pomegranate tree. My attention was drawn to "pomegranate" (fruitfulness, blessing, prosperity). In that moment, God unraveled a piece of scripture in a new and timely way to me. Even though Saul was supplied everything he needed and was blessed, anointed and appointed, he instead chose to stay in Migron (a place of fear and despair). 

    Samuel, the prophet, gave Saul instruction for battle from the Lord but he didn't obey fully. Samuel said to Saul:
Does the Lord take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the Lord?

Look: to obey is better than sacrifice,
to pay attention is better that the fat of rams.
For rebellion is like the sin of divination,
and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
He has rejected you as king.

Saul answered Samuel, "I have sinned. I have transgressed the Lord's command and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them. Now therefore, please forgive my sin and return with me so I can worship the Lord.
~1 Samuel 14:22-25

    Another translation of Lord is "Yahweh" (the God of "seed, plant, harvest). Whether we plant good or bad seeds, He waters them and gives life to everything. If we plant bad seeds, they will unfortunately produce bad fruit. HOWEVER, He also gives us the power of the Great I AM within us to conquer all evil!

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
~Romans 8:37

Those Red Rocks


    Just like these little mini-woods, sometimes the road appears dark. The first time I traversed this path, it was encroaching to darkness and I feared coyotes or worse hiding in the unseen places. When I emerged, it was light and upon returning, realized it was a very short passage. I was there to seek God's face. I had peace, overall. 

    Often, people will question me as to whether or not I should be taking this trip alone. Unknowingly, people plant seeds of doubt and even witchcraft saying things like "I knew someone like you, she got into multiple car accidents trying to fight demons, which is God's job, not ours". Things like this are not helpful. In fact, this line was repeatedly spoken, like a curse over me. But I ran out of there and called for prayer coverage immediately. It's amazing how the devil will come at you. In the past, I would have been shook but no longer. The plans and schemes of the enemy are transparent. Especially when darts come from multiple directions at the same time. When these words and similar words were spoken to me by a group of church ladies, I also received a nasty email from a family member telling me I was selfish for taking this trip. Same day, another family member telling me I should come home. Same day, another friend mad and not taking to me because she was angry I left. 

No weapon shall be formed against [me] shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against [me] in judgement You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, says the Lord.
~Isaiah 54:17


Colorado River by sunset


    I couldn't believe it, I looked up to the edge of the rocks and I see something strange descending from the top and hear a delayed popping sound. Paragliders!! I have never seen them jumping off such a precarious spot. I was too far away to see where they landed. Paragliding is free-flying vs parasailing, where you are towed by something. In case anyone, like myself, was interested.

Communing with God

    There is no place comparable to the arms of Jesus. Sometimes peace is hard to find. A place like this, where God's grandness is unquestionable and is magnitude is overwhelming, it is so easy to sink into His arms. I crave for these places and pray I find many of them along my travels. I also pray these encounters and pictures and videos bring you peace, as well. Once slice of light can cast out all darkness. All those lifting me in prayer, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means everything to me.

Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken.
~Psalm 62:5-6


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