Thursday, January 20, 2022

UT- PART II The Scariest Ride of My Life

December 17, 2021


    Looking for my next hike, I decided to check out Slippery Rock. It required a $5 fee, which the old me would've not invested in but the new creation me, leaning on Jehovah Jireh says, yeah! So glad I did. For those of you who think I'm nuts for questioning a meager $5, don't judge.

Ride to Slippery Rock

Slippery Rock 4x4 Trails

    The signs pointing to Slippery Rock mentioned biking trails and the few cars I saw heading that direction had bike racks on back of their vehicles. I wasn't sure if there were any good foot trails but I figured it was worth a look. When I arrived, I saw trucks heading up 4x4 trails, something that was completely foreign to me. I checked out the trail guides and saw hiking by foot so I gave it a go!

Writing with God

Alone with God

    My first jaunt was delightful. So quiet. No one else around. Hardly anyone was out by foot and the 4x4 adventurers were too far from me to be heard. I was able to cuddle up with Papa and write with Him.

Literally on the mountaintop with Jesus. Not a soul in sight. Nothing but the occasional bird chirp and the sound of wind. The sun is burning in full force but the chill is just as fierce. Red earth clay, sand and rock. Foliage so dry and brittle it crumbles to the ground, yet its roots remain firm. It is a mountainous desert that experiences snow and rivers. Who knew? Not me. Blue, blue skies. Only the tips of puffy, white clouds peaking up beyond the mountains. Such peace. Such silence. 

I have craved this time alone with God. A place to soak in His awesomeness and majesty. How are there so many shades of earth? I see how our skin tones reflect the complex shades of the earth we come from. I fantasize camping here-- just me and Papa. But I recognize that this is a rare moment in time. My body couldn't withstand the bone chilling evenings of winter when the people are scarce nor the warmer temperatures that bring the masses and kill the intimacy with God.

The stillness in this moment is remarkable. Ponderosas, prickly pears, blue grass, tumble weeds and so more. Fresh air with high altitudes. I feel so alive in this moment. I swell up in tears at the profundity of the Father's love. How deep? How wide? How high? How can I serve You???? How can I love You? My love is so small compared to You. I am so weak and unworthy. Only You make me worthy - but at that, how do I live it out? My shortcomings overwhelm me. I have stayed in Moab to seek You. Honor me in that, Lord. Show Your face to me. Speak sweet nothings and everything's to my yearning soul. Reach down to touch me. Reveal Yourself. Let Yourself be known to me! Show me how to live a life worthy of You. 

I love today. I love having time all alone with You. Me and You. No rush. No time constraints. Just us :)
Hiking Trails

God's beautiful creation

One of many, many varieties of plant life

    I turned on the radio while searching for the next hiking trail and what do I find? K-Love (or its equivalent)! Notice, the paved road has disappeared. The road is wide and flat and Big Red is having no problems.

Christian radio

Two-lane drive between massive mountain peaks

Elevation increases, snow appears

    Then the road starts to narrow and around the next corner there's snow and a steep decline. I can't back up around a corner, so I very nervously head down the hill. All praise to God, I make it down to the bottom. There is a pull off, so I gather my thoughts and decide if I should keep going or try to get back up the hill. I consider that the road has to get better. I check GPS and it looks like this road continues to a camping site and other marked roads that can return me back to town and out of the park.

Roads get rougher

    The pictures cannot replicate the intensity of this drive. I wasn't able to capture pictures at the worst moments because I was terrified, holding on to the steering wheel. I don't really scare that easily, or so at least I believe. I drove up and up and up and the ride just got worse and worse and worse. The road progressively narrowed until it was truly one lane. The potholes became craters, the sun was beating down on the windshield so vision was obscured and ice overlaid the ground. It was one wickedly sharp turn followed by another. There was absolutely no room to turn Big Red around. I just kept going until I finally reached an opening.

Actual pavement riddled with potholes 

No shoulder with an extreme drop off

    At the top, the road forked into two 4x4 roads. Gee, a sign would've been nice to indicate the future of this road. Before I could get angry, I praised God for the opening big enough to turn the truck around. I was elated there was plenty of space to maneuver without fear of sliding off the side of the mountain but then it hit me that I had to go downhill and experience the same miracle yet intensified on the return. That's ok. I asked for intimacy with the Lord and I got it. As I proceeded downhill as slow as possible, I had a God thought. He wouldn't have taken me all this way to have me drive off a cliff. And furthermore, I would most likely not survive and then I would go straight to heaven so the odds of a good return were 200%!

Not me! bwahahahaha

Base of Slippery Rock

    It was a slippery rock, indeed. I left with more trust in God. No matter where I go, He's got my back. 

The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
~Isaiah 58:8

The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and He provided light at night by a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.
~Exodus 13:21

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