Tuesday, January 4, 2022

ND-MT Shock and Awe

November 23, 2021


    Nothing but land, land, land as far as the eye can see. I stopped at many of the rest stops because they offered reading materials and beautiful views. I learned at these rest stops that President Eisenhower got the ball running to work on Rte 94 in 1956 but only completed in 1977. That was the year I was born!! I couldn't believe it. When my parents took me across the country when I was 11yrs old, it was as old as I was. That blew my mind. It was so soothing and relaxing to be the only one on the road and see no buildings or signs of disturbance to the land. These are known now as "The Plains" but originally called "The Old Red Trail".

North Dakota Rte 94 "The Plains"

    Never have I ever...I've never seen pickled Turkey Gizzards or anything else like this at a rest stop, or anywhere, actually. More 'never have I evers' to add to the list. I bought a small package of pickled green beans excited to get some greens on the go but I couldn't finish them. Wasn't my cup of tea.

Pickled Okra, quail eggs, turkey gizzards, Candied jalapeños and Dilled Green Beans

    I found a trail to walk! Imaging what it was like to live like the Mandan Indians who created "earth lodges" out of the bumpy terrain. It was situated along the Missouri River. Hardly a soul. Time to communion with God and read about how the Indians lived.

Double Ditch Indian Village

God's unadulterated earth.

The slow change of terrain.

    The beauty of God's creation just seemed to get increasingly more overwhelming. It climaxed in the badlands. I didn't want to leave. It was so incredibly still. Hardly any sign of humans.

Cowboy Town outside the Park

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Stunning landscape

    I sat down and let the stillness penetrate me. I couldn't help but to saunter. Nothing in me wanted to pick up the pace. It was sloooooooooooow town. I felt like God's arms were the grand mountains surrounding me on all sides, hugging me and cradling me as nothing man-made could. Even the distant rattle of chains and clanking tires of semi-trucks couldn't take away the depth, breadth, width and height, the complete expanse of God's mighty creation.

Sunset on the road

The last of the sun disappearing

    The drive through equally stunning winding roads was breathtaking. I finally reached Montana and headed down rte 7. No lights, no shoulder and 70mph. I kept praying I wouldn't hit any animals. I took it 10-20mph under the speed limit but was hoping to keep a reasonable pace to reach my final destination for the night "Midway Motel" in Ekalaka, Montana.

    Just shy of Baker, Montana, two deer rush onto the road and I was unable to stop soon enough. I hit one head on. At first, I couldn't reach 911 because I didn't have cell service. I put on the hazards and slowed down to 20mph. It was a miracle I could still move the drive the truck. Cell service finally allowed me to call out and they picked up immediately. Within moments, word got to the sheriff (yes folks, we are not in NY anymore were it may take about 10 minutes just reach a person never mind the sheriff!). He advised me to keep going and try to get to the sheriff's office. 

    The bumper pressed in to the front driver's side tire and it was slowly thinning the rubber. It's about what I imagined while driving. I knew the tire didn't pop because the ride was even but the tire definitely felt impinged in some shape or form. Upon entering town, the tire made a terrible noise after going over the railroad tracks. I didn't risk it. I stopped right in the middle of the road and phoned 911 again. Within 5 minutes the sheriff and the police showed up.

Front view of damage

Right side view

Left side view

    The sheriff pulled out the bumper and directed me to the closest hotel. It was within walking distance of the auto body repair shop. Praise Jesus! I brought the car over and counted my blessings. I was frustrated and confused because I felt I did my best to prevent such a thing, praying not to hit any animal. But I did. And I was able to drive to the nearest town. I was able to get help. There was a hotel available. The auto body shop was within walking distance. Miracle after miracle. But wait....there's more!

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