Monday, January 31, 2022


 January 20, 2022 
(real time, out of blog sequence)

Vision from God

    While returning from Orlando, FL to Phoenix, AZ on Frontier Airlines, God gave me a vision followed by a warning/encouragement to His children. May it bless you and transfer any fear of man onto fear of God alone.


    First, God gave me a vision of the number five, which represents God's goodness and grace. He broke down the shape of the number 5 into two sections the first with the 3 and 2 = 5 and then another 5, culminating in 10. Three is divine completeness and perfection and two is union; division; witnessing. What God reveals to me in this is that when we come unto union with the triune God, we are complete and  there is perfection. With that union also comes a division, a separation between us and the world. Furthermore, a separation between us (God's children) and the plans of the enemy. Hallelujah! When we act in this flow of God's unity and division with satan, we are true witnesses, filled with the joy of the Lord and not swayed by the temptations of the devil. When 5 and 5 come together for the 10, it means testimony; law and responsibility. We now enter the courts of heaven, where we are in full knowledge of our true identity and purpose in Christ!! All of that, wrapped up again inside the number 5, again meaning divine completeness and perfection.

    Around the dots creating the number 5, He showed me a palm tree. Going up the palm tree, there are usually rings created on the trunk over time. If you were to glance, you would see the rings, as a palm tree would normally have. But if you investigate further, you may see a snake winding up the trunk. Revealing that things aren't always what they seem.

I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.
~Matthew 10:16 NIV

Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
~Matthew 10:16 BSB

AMP adds [have no self-serving agenda]

TPT starts like this Now remember, it is I who sends you out, even though you feel vulnerable as lambs going into a pack of wolves.


    Evil is coming to the surface. Children of God, be wise! Use discernment. Much evil is rising. Evil will not be hidden. You will be fooled if you do not ask for discernment and stay close to God. Pray. Seek His face. You cannot be lukewarm. You cannot. You will be swallowed up by Satan himself if you do not seek His face. Satan is sending his minions straight to those who profess Jesus is Savior, Lord is King. Be warned. 

    This is a time for His children to rise up into places of authority and power in all areas of life. We- God's army, His troops must prepare ourselves. We will have INCREDIBLE favor. The more you lean on God, the richer the reward. Ridiculous blessings pouring out from heaven. Your hands won't be able to hold it all. You are meant to share the blessings but the ones you want to reach may not be able to receive them. Their hands might be closed too tightly. Pray children. Pray. Fast and pray for your loved ones. Do those things God has called you to do. There is no time to waste. No hesitation. He will provide everything EVERYTHING you need and beyond to carry out whatever vision He has called you to accomplish. 

    We must have backbones of steel, cemented in integrity, with minds, hearts, emotions, finances, and souls completely yielding to our head commander, the Holy Spirit. The Living Word is alive. Alive! Alive!! Read the word with a hunger to digest beyond human capability. Get ready for heavenly downloads. Remember, God always has our back. We don't need to turn back. Remember Lots' wife, how she turned back when God told her not to and then turned into a pillar of salt. Do not turn back! Do not be fearful of what is behind you. God is there. We are to be forward moving and thinking-- aligning ourselves completely to the will of God.

    No excuses. Grab hold of the vision. Hallelujah. God is stirring up divine encounters and working on our behalf in lightening speed. No delay. Acceleration is in motion. Praise Him as you proceed forward. Praise Him as you are on mission. It is a glorious time for His children. Remain joyful. Let the world see your joy. There is nothing that can contain God, the Great I AM. And that same God, the same Great I AM is living inside of you. 

    The lion is roaring! Go deep. Cast wide nets. The harvest will exceed all that you can imagine. The dead will come alive. Depression will turn to joy unexplainable. Bitterness and hatred to evangelism. Satanists declaring Jesus, King! Murders and thieves compassionate for the elderly and orphaned. Be prepared to have your mind blown! Yeeeeehaaa

*Often God will use real life events to show me prophetic words. There are experiences that I had that helped give insight to this word. I may add it to this later or do it separately. I just want to get this out now, for it is a timely word. God bless each of you!!

Friday, January 28, 2022

NV - Fake Lights Shine Bright in the Dark

 December 20, 2021


    I wound up staying at the airbnb. The smell subsided and I decided I could wait to take a shower. God had another opportunity for me to minister to the second roommate named Debbie. She doesn't know Jesus...yet, but is awake to what is going on in this country. She allowed me to pray with her and in that moment, God softened her heart and she broke down in tears. She shared about losing her mom at 14yrs of age and how terrible her whole small town in Canada treated her and the rest of her family. She had been carrying around that anger for decades. She wasn't ready to let go of the anger; however, simply to share it (I thought) was a big deal, and so necessary. Please join me in lifting up Debbie. My prayer is that she would find forgiveness and let God heal her wounded heart.

    The two pictures below are from the "Masonic Cemetery", open all hours until Saturday at midnight. Hmmm...and what happens all night into Sunday morning? If rumors are true, a whole of praying and sacrificing and not the kind that wishes all well. Tell me the artwork below doesn't scream death. And the location? Not a museum but a residence. I got my prayer partner on the phone and blew that shofar in all directions until we felt a shift in the atmosphere. Praise God.

Masonic Cemetery 

Artwork from Gallery at the Masonic Cemetery

    What is art? As a person that has a heavy creative lean, I have struggled with that question throughout the better half of my life. We may disagree and that's fine. I'm just here to share my opinion and if it happens to gently persuade you, so be it. I have come to the conclusion, at this moment in my life, that I would like my art, whatever I create, to be uplifting. I used to write depressing, melancholic songs. At the time, they afforded me an outlet for my pain and suffering. When I began the process of letting God transform me, it changed my view on art. I want to create things that have purpose and elevate myself and others. It also changed what I look at and listen to... what I allow to enter my gates.

Don't lose sight of them; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and health to one's whole body. Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. 
~Proverbs 4:21-23

My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.
~Proverbs 4:20-27

    Below is the first song I wrote after I obeyed God and let go of opera. When I gave away all my anthologies and scores that must have cost hundreds of dollars, God flooded me with an array of songs to glorify Him. The melancholic sentiment may linger but the hope element was a definitive shift in a direction that helped me overcome my state of victimhood and minister to others.

"You Are My God"

    When my dad passed away, I went through deep pain and for the first time in my life, I began to learn how to place that pain on God. Most certainly, it is still a work in progress. I wrote this poem after I handed in the last papers of legalities involving my dad (for those that have never dealt with the death of a loved one, there are many little legal annoyances that must be surmounted).


To sit with you, alone.
Without distraction
I never could before.

To sit with you, alone. 
Without distraction
Participating in the progress.

I never understood you,
I didn't want to know you.
Despite that, I would become you.

To sit with you, alone,
Without distraction
Wasn't an option

To sit with you, alone,
Without distraction
Made my skin crawl.

Escape was to obey you,
To crawl inside you,
Rather than to sit with you,
Past you,
Into what I thought was you
Only appealing to emotions
With no attraction to the motives
Not letting you peel me,
Eventually to heal me
To fixate on endless
Instead of endless fixation
On what was to come.

To sit with you, alone
And let you teach me
Didn't even occur to me.

Too much, too long, too strong.
Too much a fighter
Confused on the mission
To envision a joust,
With air as the duel
With windmills and fairytales
Cemented in disappointment
Seeking the answer 
Unveiled by sitting with you, alone.

Without distraction.


    You can slap a cultural significance on a display of sex and call it what you will but at the heart of it, it is what it is. These ladies were dressed up like "Sambodromes", part of a Carnival in Brazil that involves massive parades, masks and Mardi Gras. The craziest part? It's all about lent. It appears the idea of it is to binge on all the things you won't be able to participate in during lent. Should we walk around in burqas and not enjoy the pleasures of this world? No color, no music, no dancing? That is not what I am suggesting. We all have our own convictions but as the light separates from the dark, I believe we will see that we must participate in more of a separation from the world.

    These girls touched my heart because I could see, even from a distance, the desperation in their faces when they were distributing flyers. A deep seated desire to be heard, understood and given attention. This is something I still struggle with but that used to be much worse in me. A thing that led to short skirts, drinking too much, flirtation and provocative dancing. 

Do not love the world or the things that belong to the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. For everything that belongs to the world-- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride in one's lifestyle-- is not from the Father, but is from the world. And the world with its lust is passing away, but the one who does God's will remains forever.
~1John 2:15-17

"Welcome to Las Vegas"

    I finally made it to the famous "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. And yes, that is an Elvis impersonator you see on the far left. The sign is sandwiched in-between two busy 2-3 lane bypasses. It is an extremely loud and congested strip of concrete with the humdrum exhaust of passenger flights preparing for lift off just feet away. A slim, see-through metal framed fence being the only border between the humungous planes and the roadway.

     My cognizance of 'Vegas' up until this point, derived from Hollywood. My vision of this iconic place was glitz and glamour. Wow. It was the complete opposite of whatever I had envisioned from childhood movies. Am I jaded? Perhaps. I'm sure it is more exciting inside the factory type looking buildings, with everything lit up at night but during the day, it certainly is a different story. All the buildings are scattered about with no care for how they landed. Random plots of desert land separate lavish displays of Egyptian icons, Disney wonderlands and billboards eliciting gambling and sexual fantasies. Outside, in broad daylight, the homeless roam about, and visitors are either mesmerized by false promises of satisfaction from drugs, alcohol, money or sex.

    Usually, evil is out in plain site and if we ask God to show us, He will. In 2 Kings 6, Elisha, the prophet,   inclined his ear to the Lord and the Lord told him even the things spoken in the bedroom of his adversary (King of Aram). Because of this, King Aram was very upset and wanted to kill Elisha. The King sent horses, chariots and a massive army to surround him. Elisha's servant was terrified. But Elisha prayed.

"Lord, please open his eyes and let him see." So the Lord opened the servant's eyes. He looked and saw that the mountain was covered with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. When the Arameans came against him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, "Please strike this nation with blindness." So He struck them with blindness, according to Elisha's word. 
~2 Kings 6:17

    Despite all the pressure around him, Elisha remained steadfast in the Lord. He didn't waiver this way or that. God protected him all the days of his life and he was so holy that when a man's body was thrown into Elisha's tomb and touched his bones, he came alive again!!! As it was then, let it be now! Dead bones come alive!!! I declare and decree that all that is dead will come alive! Everything and every person that the devil tried to kill, steal and destroy come alive and return to the Father, in Jesus' name!!

    For all the darkness that I expressed in this visit, there is great joy, hope and expectation. While praying, my prayer partner and I felt the same thing in the spirit. That it was done. We began praising Him with song. On this day, December 20th, 2021, there was a shift in the United States of America. It didn't just stay in Vegas. I noticed a change in California, too. God is doing a great thing. Exciting times to come!! Let us become more aware of the schemes of the devil and more bold in our faith! 

Residential Baphomet Goats with Phallic Symbol

Goats at the Gates of Las Vegas Strip

    What's up with the goats? Who's Baphomet? ...Goats were one of the animals that were used in the Bible for sacrifice to God. They were used as a sin offering. The goat represented the sins of the people. In Leviticus 16, there is a story of multiple goats being sacrificed, one named Azazel. This goat became the scapegoat. 

Aaron will lay both his hands on the head of the live goat  and confess over it all the Israelites' wrongdoings and rebellious acts-- all their sins. He is to put them on the goat's head and send it away into the wilderness by the man appointed for the the task. The goat [Azazel] will carry on it all their wrongdoings into a desolate land, and he will release it there.
~Leviticus 16:20-22

    My understanding is that everything that is evil is a bastardization of something glorious created by God. The ultimate sacrifice of our sins was Jesus, son of God, but man. God prepared us for this sacrifice in Genesis 22:1-19 in the test to Abraham, asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac but at the last moment, providing a ram in his place. The goat is a mockery of Jesus. It doesn't appear to me that the origin of Baphomet is clear (some say the Knights of Templar, others the misunderstanding of the name "Mohammet") but today, it is clearly associated with Satanism. 

    Occult author Eliphas Levi created the symbol of Baphomet below appearing as a hermaphrodoite, representing both male and female energies. Notice parallel with CRT- Critical Race Theory, transgenderism and the ability for one to choice his/her own sex. "Solve Et Coagula" referring to a breaking down of elements and their coming together. Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski, clinical psychologist and occult author explains that this phrase allows us insight to human evolution, spiritual technology, therapy and more. He states that this process of "solve et coagula" allows one to take energies and make them into concrete particles that can be manipulated. Can we say mind control? I say all these things in chance that none of us will be fooled. 


    Hopefully, I haven't fully lost you and you are seeing the pieces of life come together. You are seeing the grotesque state of our nation, riddled with fear and hardened hearts, as a result of the idolization of technology, and our ability to control life, distort it, kill it, change it as we see fit fired by lust, greed and all things detestable by God.

The Lord hates six things: in fact, seven are detestable to Him: arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers.
~Proverbs 6:16-19 

    The power of God is so much greater than Satan. He is a joke. He is not to fear. Only God alone is to fear. My hope, is that you will desire to know Jesus more and be awakened to the evil of this world. 

Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared. 
~1 Timothy 4:1

Above all, fear the Lord and worship Him faithfully with all your heart; consider the great things He has done for you.
~1 Samuel 12:24

Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works, not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
~Hebrews 10:24-25

    I pray for a malleable heart. To not be prideful or arrogant yet not ignorant or apathetic. I ask for the Lord to open the eyes of the blind, to cover all my words in that they would provoke a desire to be informed and not to be fearful. 

*Don't forget to check out older blogs. Sometimes I post 2-3 at a time. Doing my best to catch up! Also, I love hearing your feedback and knowing there are people out there actually reading this blog. God bless.

Monday, January 24, 2022

UT-NV Entering Sin City

 December 19, 2021


Sprawling desert mountains and plains

Carved out crevices of highway

Protruding Red Rock

    The drive to Nevada was stunning. So much variety in the terrain from elevation to types of plant life. The desert is amazing to me. The air at this time of season is crisp but the sun is often harsh during the day. I never knew there were mountainous deserts or that it snows and rains there. 

    This place makes me think of our current political climate. Vaccines, masks, critical race theory, abortion... There is so much tension and fear and opposition. At times, it feels like a "desert", like there's no life. But God! Even in the midst of dryness there is the eternal living water. When the "weather" appears unbearably dry, there is a cactus holding water. Maybe we're like the cactus. We have protective needles on our surface, a means to withstand the pain life throws at us. But inside, deep beneath the hard encasement, is sustenance. When we ask the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, we breathe life into our bodies on every inhale and exhale out the toxic thoughts the devil places in our minds. Nature helps me reflect on how majestic God is and how He always provides.

Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
~ Luke 12:24

So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.
~Matthew 6:31-32

Snow patches in the desert

A Lone Tree

Dips and Dives, Curves and Swerves

    At the 3/4 tank empty mark, I try to seek a rest stop. When I pulled off, I noticed this big sign below posted outside the store. The small print basically warns you that you are on Indian territory and all the rules you once knew, don't apply. In this land, you may not sue or have legal rights. 

    I had been eager to show kindness to the Indians and apologize for what was and is being done to them. When I arrived inside the store, I walked up to the woman at the cashier. I asked if she was American Indian and she said "Duh". I told her I would like to bless her with prayer and she agreed. It was a beautiful moment. Her eyes soften and she thanked me. I told her that I was sorry for what this nation has done to her people. At the time, I didn't even know the story of the Paiute Tribe. In this particular area (Utah), the Mormon Church admitted that members of their church were the moving force behind the Mountains Meadow Massacre that killed off a large portion of their people. In 1957, our government terminated the federally recognized status of the Paiute Tribe in efforts to assimilate them into society. Funding was cut. In 1980 they were recognized again, and funding returned. 

    This is where my understanding of governmental, church and artistic interference have taken a wild turn. My college self would say "How dare the government extract funding from these poor people, the people we have ripped the land away from continually!" But current me sees more of the evil plot to keep certain cultures and groups of people strapped to the idea of victimhood. The government continually diminishes their land and shifts them around when it is convenient for real estate or discovered resources. 
    And the church? Well, the backlash that I receive from most people that are sour with God is the misrepresentation from His people. Those of us professing to love Jesus are ambassadors for Him. We can only do our best to represent the Prince of Peace but we will fall short. I ask the Lord to cover all of us who desire to do His Will with His endless mercy and grace and to position us in a posture of humility, so as never to grow prideful and assume to operate in our own strength.

Indian Land & Rules


    The closer I got to Nevada, the more gambling I saw. This was the first, but not last, corner I would see devoted to gambling at a rest stop. Advertisements and sales of liquor, smoking, gambling and pornography greatly increased on billboards and inside convenient stores. A desperation in the people also intensified. More homeless. Faster and more erratic driving. More idolatry.

Gambling at the Rest Stop

Rest stop in Nevada

Tattered homeless man

    The minute I reach Las Vegas, I pulled into a gas station. Palm trees lined the streets. I thought for a moment I was in Miami or SoCal (Southern California). As soon as I pull up to the pump, I felt like I was at the circus. A guy comes sailing in through traffic riding his bike like a surf board. Then I notice this homeless man beside me rummaging through the garbage. As someone else put it, "the homeless in Las Vegas are the worst than any other place I have experienced. They make the NYC homeless I've seen look good." I personally have never seen the clothing on a homeless person in this country look as tattered as this man. Then two teenage boys come to ask me for money. They look far from famished or lacking, wearing designer clothes and jewelry and a mouth full of sparkling braces. 

    The boys let me pray for them. The taller one wore a real hard face. He held a stare with me until breaking into a laugh and finally succumbed to a softness. The other boy who claimed to be his brother taunted him for crying. I was grateful for that moment. I know God penetrated him and a seed was planted. I don't remember their names but God does. Please join me in asking God for their provision and protection. That they would find peace and restoration in the arms of Jesus.

Hallway to the Airbnb

Bizarre encounter with the Cats

    I picked a really affordable room on Airbnb for Las Vegas. The host greeted me outside and took me up two flights of stairs and down this long hallway. Thank God it was daylight. He handed me a set of keys and showed me to my room. The place reeked of chemicals. The hosts answer to every question that increasingly frustrated me was "everything is ok". Feeling claustrophobic, I opened every door and window I could find and went for a prayer walk around the complex. The bathroom in the place was disgusting and I didn't know if I should stay or find somewhere else. It didn't exactly give me the warm fuzzies. 

    I just continued to pray, left it in God's hands and finally returned to the apartment. When I returned, I discovered one of my roommates, Amber. I sat in the balcony (with the broken screen and pile of junk) and spoke to her while she ate at the table inside. She understood why I sat outside, commiserating about the stench. It wasn't long before I discovered her love for Jesus! She had received the jab, fearful of losing her job as a public school educator but heard much about the Deep State. As I shared my understanding of how sick and corrupt our leading officials and Hollywood stars are, she said her friends were telling her the same thing. I shared with her my concern about standing up for our rights and no longer remaining silent. That as the evil is exposed we must speak up, for silence could cost us our lives. 

    My conversation with Amber gave me hope. She was a fellow Christian that was hearing (what I believe) is the truth and perhaps willing to take action. I will get into what the Deep State is and the corruption that is being exposed in future posts. Maybe you will even experience the unveiling of these things before I can write them down. I pray that all of our eyes, hearts and ears can incline to Jesus and not waver. Take the blinders off us now, God! Expose all evil in the government and in ourselves. Help us to turn from our evil ways.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble;e themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
~2Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, January 20, 2022

UT- PART III But wait...there's more!

 December 18, 2021


    I wasn't ready to leave Utah. After hiking and quiet time with the Lord, I drove by a few hotels, including this big hotel crafted into the hills of the mountainous rocks. On a whim, I called to see how much it would be a night. Since the hostel in town was $80, I wasn't expecting anything under $150. To my surprise, it was $70 (with good ole trusty AAA)!!!! 

My Place Hotel

    It's called "My Place" and it's a chain. This was definitely "my place". My friend even blessed me with a night here as a Christmas present. God pampered me. Let's check out what they offered...

View of the room

Outdoor hot tub in the evening

View from the window

    This place was a palace. It was a spacious room with a gorgeous view including spectacular sunrises. A big reclining lounge chair and desk. A spacious bathroom with non-wimpy water pressure. A kitchenette with a full size refrigerator, stove top and sink! But wait...there's more! A HOT TUB!!!!! Oh, I praised the Lord in that hot tub and I even swam in the pool (then jumped back in hot tub).

Gourmet meals for cheap

    I was tickled pink at the kitchenette. I was concerned about getting enough greens and also about finances. I had just paid house taxes and those of you from Long Island know how much that stings. But GOD! I do not have a mortgage (again, praise Jesus! only by His grace), so there is no monthly paying option. When that chunk came out, I pulled in the reigns and was able to get about 10 meals out of $50 worth of groceries. And healthy eating, at that! All praise to the Lord. Check out the lentils, broccoli  and hard boiled eggs breakfast, above. There are hard boiled eggs in a package available and steamed veggies in a bag. Quick, healthy, filling and tasty. It's in these moments where life seems utterly complete.

Back to the hikes

Inside Arches National Park

Red Rocks

    Ok, I don't know if you can hear the echo in this video below at all, but it was there in person. I was singing along, praising God and all of a sudden, I noticed the mountains echoed a response. It was so wild. It was faint but it was there. It was as if God designed and created the whole place so just me and Him could sit together and chill out. Thanks, Papa.



    Realizing that my next place would be Las Vegas, Nevada, it hit me just how important it was to have this quiet time with the Lord. I love this last picture because it reminds me that the path may be narrow and unknown but as long as I'm with the Lord, it will all be in His strength and therefore manageable. In a time where we truly don't know what tomorrow will bring and perhaps feeling like freedom has been stripped from us and that our nation is on a terrible course... I remember that I place my trust in Jesus.

Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
~John 14:6

    If you don't know Jesus and you are reading this right now, it isn't by coincidence. He has been tugging at your heart for some time and He desires you to know Him fully, to surrender your whole self to Him and to be made new. There is hope in the name of Jesus. Simply to say His name out loud "Jesus" and He will come to you. If you are riddled with fear and anxiety, if you do not see where this world can get better, how your life can improve, there is hope in the name of Jesus. 

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
~James 4:7

That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
~Romans 10:9

    It's that simple. Surrendering to Jesus is an adventure of a lifetime. This journey of mine was afforded by and paid for by the stripes on the back of Jesus. His blood and suffering is my joy and salvation. For those that know me, you know I have joy and peace. Do I struggle? Yes. The struggle will not end until we leave this earth but the riches of heaven can be attained on this side. It's worth a shot, no?

    If you are thinking about accepting Jesus as your Lord and savior...if you did already but don't know where to go from there...if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. I will pray with you and seek the Lord on your behalf. Not one of us is alone. 


UT- PART II The Scariest Ride of My Life

December 17, 2021


    Looking for my next hike, I decided to check out Slippery Rock. It required a $5 fee, which the old me would've not invested in but the new creation me, leaning on Jehovah Jireh says, yeah! So glad I did. For those of you who think I'm nuts for questioning a meager $5, don't judge.

Ride to Slippery Rock

Slippery Rock 4x4 Trails

    The signs pointing to Slippery Rock mentioned biking trails and the few cars I saw heading that direction had bike racks on back of their vehicles. I wasn't sure if there were any good foot trails but I figured it was worth a look. When I arrived, I saw trucks heading up 4x4 trails, something that was completely foreign to me. I checked out the trail guides and saw hiking by foot so I gave it a go!

Writing with God

Alone with God

    My first jaunt was delightful. So quiet. No one else around. Hardly anyone was out by foot and the 4x4 adventurers were too far from me to be heard. I was able to cuddle up with Papa and write with Him.

Literally on the mountaintop with Jesus. Not a soul in sight. Nothing but the occasional bird chirp and the sound of wind. The sun is burning in full force but the chill is just as fierce. Red earth clay, sand and rock. Foliage so dry and brittle it crumbles to the ground, yet its roots remain firm. It is a mountainous desert that experiences snow and rivers. Who knew? Not me. Blue, blue skies. Only the tips of puffy, white clouds peaking up beyond the mountains. Such peace. Such silence. 

I have craved this time alone with God. A place to soak in His awesomeness and majesty. How are there so many shades of earth? I see how our skin tones reflect the complex shades of the earth we come from. I fantasize camping here-- just me and Papa. But I recognize that this is a rare moment in time. My body couldn't withstand the bone chilling evenings of winter when the people are scarce nor the warmer temperatures that bring the masses and kill the intimacy with God.

The stillness in this moment is remarkable. Ponderosas, prickly pears, blue grass, tumble weeds and so more. Fresh air with high altitudes. I feel so alive in this moment. I swell up in tears at the profundity of the Father's love. How deep? How wide? How high? How can I serve You???? How can I love You? My love is so small compared to You. I am so weak and unworthy. Only You make me worthy - but at that, how do I live it out? My shortcomings overwhelm me. I have stayed in Moab to seek You. Honor me in that, Lord. Show Your face to me. Speak sweet nothings and everything's to my yearning soul. Reach down to touch me. Reveal Yourself. Let Yourself be known to me! Show me how to live a life worthy of You. 

I love today. I love having time all alone with You. Me and You. No rush. No time constraints. Just us :)
Hiking Trails

God's beautiful creation

One of many, many varieties of plant life

    I turned on the radio while searching for the next hiking trail and what do I find? K-Love (or its equivalent)! Notice, the paved road has disappeared. The road is wide and flat and Big Red is having no problems.

Christian radio

Two-lane drive between massive mountain peaks

Elevation increases, snow appears

    Then the road starts to narrow and around the next corner there's snow and a steep decline. I can't back up around a corner, so I very nervously head down the hill. All praise to God, I make it down to the bottom. There is a pull off, so I gather my thoughts and decide if I should keep going or try to get back up the hill. I consider that the road has to get better. I check GPS and it looks like this road continues to a camping site and other marked roads that can return me back to town and out of the park.

Roads get rougher

    The pictures cannot replicate the intensity of this drive. I wasn't able to capture pictures at the worst moments because I was terrified, holding on to the steering wheel. I don't really scare that easily, or so at least I believe. I drove up and up and up and the ride just got worse and worse and worse. The road progressively narrowed until it was truly one lane. The potholes became craters, the sun was beating down on the windshield so vision was obscured and ice overlaid the ground. It was one wickedly sharp turn followed by another. There was absolutely no room to turn Big Red around. I just kept going until I finally reached an opening.

Actual pavement riddled with potholes 

No shoulder with an extreme drop off

    At the top, the road forked into two 4x4 roads. Gee, a sign would've been nice to indicate the future of this road. Before I could get angry, I praised God for the opening big enough to turn the truck around. I was elated there was plenty of space to maneuver without fear of sliding off the side of the mountain but then it hit me that I had to go downhill and experience the same miracle yet intensified on the return. That's ok. I asked for intimacy with the Lord and I got it. As I proceeded downhill as slow as possible, I had a God thought. He wouldn't have taken me all this way to have me drive off a cliff. And furthermore, I would most likely not survive and then I would go straight to heaven so the odds of a good return were 200%!

Not me! bwahahahaha

Base of Slippery Rock

    It was a slippery rock, indeed. I left with more trust in God. No matter where I go, He's got my back. 

The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
~Isaiah 58:8

The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and He provided light at night by a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.
~Exodus 13:21

UT- PART I Be Still and Know That I Am God

December 16, 2021


    Upon arriving at Utah, I was chilled at the bone. I was excited to sleep in a bed and have absolute silence. I took an epsom salt bath and watched the sunrise from bed. Light blue eclipsed to shades of red. The mountains withheld the full force of the sun at 7:30am, as I snuggled with Papa and His Word. 

Notice the snow capped mountains

Hidden Valley Trail

Desert in the cold

    Despite the cold, I knew the sun would hold me. I finally pushed myself out the door around 11am and made it to the Hidden Valley Trail. It was within walking distance of the airbnb I booked. It was beautiful, but it wasn't exactly what I needed. You could still see and hear the traffic below and it wasn't that rigorous of a hike. 

    I went back to the room for a snack and headed back out. This time, I went near the Arches National Park. That was it. That was where I needed to go. 

Colorado Riverway Bridge

Colorado River (in Utah)


    The variety of cacti and shades of color stole my heart. It took me almost getting to the other side of the country but it is here, that I was able to settle my mind and my heart. I finally had a moment to breathe, to connect to God's word and then sit in His magnificent presence, in the raw, unadulterated nature that He created. 

Gorgeous Views

Arches National Park Entrance

Outskirts of Arches National Park

Relaxing with God

    In the morning, I had been reading in Samuel. After a message I heard in Colorado, I was looking up every name in scripture, hoping to dive deeper into God's word, and the hidden treasures in plain site. In 1 Samuel 14:2, Saul was under the pomegranate tree. My attention was drawn to "pomegranate" (fruitfulness, blessing, prosperity). In that moment, God unraveled a piece of scripture in a new and timely way to me. Even though Saul was supplied everything he needed and was blessed, anointed and appointed, he instead chose to stay in Migron (a place of fear and despair). 

    Samuel, the prophet, gave Saul instruction for battle from the Lord but he didn't obey fully. Samuel said to Saul:
Does the Lord take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the Lord?

Look: to obey is better than sacrifice,
to pay attention is better that the fat of rams.
For rebellion is like the sin of divination,
and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
He has rejected you as king.

Saul answered Samuel, "I have sinned. I have transgressed the Lord's command and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them. Now therefore, please forgive my sin and return with me so I can worship the Lord.
~1 Samuel 14:22-25

    Another translation of Lord is "Yahweh" (the God of "seed, plant, harvest). Whether we plant good or bad seeds, He waters them and gives life to everything. If we plant bad seeds, they will unfortunately produce bad fruit. HOWEVER, He also gives us the power of the Great I AM within us to conquer all evil!

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
~Romans 8:37

Those Red Rocks


    Just like these little mini-woods, sometimes the road appears dark. The first time I traversed this path, it was encroaching to darkness and I feared coyotes or worse hiding in the unseen places. When I emerged, it was light and upon returning, realized it was a very short passage. I was there to seek God's face. I had peace, overall. 

    Often, people will question me as to whether or not I should be taking this trip alone. Unknowingly, people plant seeds of doubt and even witchcraft saying things like "I knew someone like you, she got into multiple car accidents trying to fight demons, which is God's job, not ours". Things like this are not helpful. In fact, this line was repeatedly spoken, like a curse over me. But I ran out of there and called for prayer coverage immediately. It's amazing how the devil will come at you. In the past, I would have been shook but no longer. The plans and schemes of the enemy are transparent. Especially when darts come from multiple directions at the same time. When these words and similar words were spoken to me by a group of church ladies, I also received a nasty email from a family member telling me I was selfish for taking this trip. Same day, another family member telling me I should come home. Same day, another friend mad and not taking to me because she was angry I left. 

No weapon shall be formed against [me] shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against [me] in judgement You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, says the Lord.
~Isaiah 54:17


Colorado River by sunset


    I couldn't believe it, I looked up to the edge of the rocks and I see something strange descending from the top and hear a delayed popping sound. Paragliders!! I have never seen them jumping off such a precarious spot. I was too far away to see where they landed. Paragliding is free-flying vs parasailing, where you are towed by something. In case anyone, like myself, was interested.

Communing with God

    There is no place comparable to the arms of Jesus. Sometimes peace is hard to find. A place like this, where God's grandness is unquestionable and is magnitude is overwhelming, it is so easy to sink into His arms. I crave for these places and pray I find many of them along my travels. I also pray these encounters and pictures and videos bring you peace, as well. Once slice of light can cast out all darkness. All those lifting me in prayer, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means everything to me.

Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken.
~Psalm 62:5-6