Saturday, December 4, 2021

TN-KY Red River Meeting House

 November 8-9, 2021


    Upon leaving Alabama, I didn't have a clue where I was headed. I was told of a prophetic conference that I considered but I wasn't keen on the fact that they were charging to hear the word of God. There was also a meeting house in Kentucky that peaked my interest, so I figured somewhere north would do.  

    Tammy, my amazing cousin, called and asked where I was headed. Concerned and full of compassion, she not only found me a hotel but booked it! I had a big king bed to myself and felt like a princess. I got up early in the morning, and headed for the streets with my shofar. God gave me scriptures for the day and led me around the block where I met a few interesting characters.

Stand by the roadways and look. Ask about the ancient paths. Which is the way to what is good? Then take it and find rest for yourselves... Listen for the sound of the ram's horn. 
~Jeremiah 6:16

    God was telling me I am a watchman appointed to sound the ram's horn. Then he gave me further instruction from the same book:

Stand in the gate of the house of the Lord and there call out this word. Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah who enter through these gates to worship the Lord. This is what the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel says: Correct your ways and your deeds and I will allow you to live in this place. Do not trust deceitful words chanting: This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord. Instead, if you really change your ways and your actions, if you act justly toward one another, if you no longer oppress the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow and no long shed innocent blood in this place or follow other gods, bringing harm on yourselves, I will allow you to live in this place, the land I gave to your ancestors long ago and forever...has His temple become a "den of robbers in your view".
~Jeremiah 7:2-11 (abbreviated)

    So I took to the streets and blew the horn. These are some of my encounters:
  • young girls- went over to a pack of young girls in front of a hostel. I asked if they knew Jesus. One girl exclaimed, "yeah". I said, "Oh, great you guys wanna pray for Nashville with me?" A great look of disgust came over them and they wanted nothing to do with it. I looked around at their faces and I saw what hard religion did to them. Somebody, somewhere shoved prayer down their throat. It was a response I would see over and over again, prevalent to the south especially, where it seems everybody knows and accepts Jesus but many don't want anything to do with the people talking about him. I asked them if I could pray for them and they allowed me. I mustered all the love I could, staring deep into each set of eyeballs, praying blessings to them and safe travels and that their relationship with the Father be restored. They braced themselves but as I prayed they softened and thanked me, seeming to be pleasantly surprised by a blessing and not a condemnation. 
  • "Gootz"- 76yrs old spitfire man. He loves Jesus and told me about his many miracles. But the world was beating him up. A steal rod in his leg, fingers chopped off, encounters with voodoo/hexer that tried to put a spell on him (this is the south). He requested prayer for his daughter that's a nurse and words of encouragement that no one take away the fire he has for Jesus! He walked away with a new skip in his step :)
  • Jewish couple- there are scooters everywhere that are just dropped on the side of the road. I asked them about it and apparently you rent them via app and drop them anywhere. They asked about the shofar and when they knew about it, I said oh! you love Jesus? They said, oh no we see them blown on holidays at temple. My friends the Jews! They let me pray for them and the unification between Jew and Christian. Always a beautiful moment.
  • young boys- there were a group of about 4 rough boys mocking the blowing of the shofar across the street. Got the sense that they were of a violent nature. They crossed the street but as they did, I stopped at the corner and I know God diverted their plans. I got down on my knees right then and there at the corner of West End Ave in the heart of Nashville and praised God, blowing the shofar.
    Although encounters were heavy, strong presence of addiction and witchcraft of the voodoo kind, I see a bright future for Tennessee! I cried out to the Father to release His children into their full destiny. Remnant, arise!



    While in Warrior, Alabama, I heard about a prophetic dream that came out of Dutch Sheets church (see link above). I watched this video before I went and wondered if I would see the woman from Texas that had told me about it. It is a place where what has been coined "The 2nd Awakening" occurred. See: 2nd Awakening. As people sprawled west, less and less dependance was placed on Jesus. The town was rampant with thieves, robbers and murderers, revival broke out uniting Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians. The cemetery leading to the meeting house, was full of Confederate soldiers and their families, freemasons and more.

The classic Freemason symbol (aka: Satanism)

    The prophetic dream from Gina revealed a geyser with a cap on it, that when lifted would burst open the flood of mass revival, that has begun but not exploded. On that day, I lifted the cap and praised God in the meeting house. I danced and sang a hymn that I found inside. 

    I also made up my own tune to another bit of words that were found to beckon the Holy Spirit. Despite whatever darkness resided in the cemetery, God was calling me to praise Him and glorify Him in what I felt was the inner chamber, the place where He had revealed Himself to many and that foreshadowed a new awakening to come. My bones felt the history of what was and what is to come. 

    And then it was time to move. I left and found the woman who told me about the place. I ran to her in joy, like a little child only to be received by great heaviness. I left her to go as she was led and her friend stayed behind trying to read me. It was a very awkward moment and I knew it was time to leave. One last blow of the shofar when I returned to the car, to shake off the uncomfortable spirit coming on me and skedaddle. Unfortunately, I was spiritually attacked in the car. Tight chest, lightheaded, all of a sudden GPS not working and no cell coverage. So, I did everything I knew how:
            • pray in tongues
            • praise God
            • cast spirit of witchcraft off of me
            • speak scripture aloud
    Before long, I was able to get cell service, called my bestie and with that unification of 2 or more gathered in the spirit, Devil had no chance. Immediately GPS came back and I started to feel better. 

One last view of the beautiful Red River Meeting House. 

    Then I headed off to a couple's home I met in Alabama. They prepared me dinner, accepted me into their home and listened to accounts of my testimony. There was healing and deliverance that very night! Praise the Lord. 

While driving, there were many things being discerned in the spirit. I tried to write some down along the way. See the link for 50 States PRAYER GUIDE for more in-depth prayer points.

TN - addiction, bigotry, voodoo/witchcraft, obesity, vengeance/anger, depression, gambling, sex,               perversion, loneliness, murder, hopelessness, white supremacy
KYKKK, white supremacy, alcoholism, vengeance, depression, anger, sacrifices, satanism,                 gambling, sexual perversion, loneliness, murder, hopelessness

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