Monday, December 20, 2021

IN-MI Notre Dome & Michigan Mason

November 19, 2021


    My plan was to go to Michigan. As I was going through Indiana to get there, I remembered that the universities were a big part of the Sam Dewald prayer points and specifically Notre Dame. I put the university on GPS to see if it was anywhere in the vicinity. Of course! In God flow, it was directly in line with where I had set out to go!

Notre Dame big open house weekend.

    When I arrived on campus, I felt a little like I was in England or a movie set. Very stoic and grand. The sentiment I got was sports first, party hard/study hard, big competition and tons of pressure. Mask signs were everywhere but they were not enforced. There was a book signing with several authors coming in the afternoon. This one below caught my eye. 

Book signing inside the campus bookstore "Gay, Catholic, and American"

Center of campus sharing the Good News.

    I spent a bit of time praising God and blowing the shofar around the entire campus. I passed clusters of parents and students. One student flew by on a hover board, another buried in thoughts, a few covered in mud after tag football in mud stained animal suites (yes, one as a pig, another a bear?). In that moment, I truly felt I was on the set of the movie "National Lampoon's Animal House". And true to the scene, the next building was the biggest yet with a huge fraternity welcome banner draped down three stories with huge columns on either side.

    At the center of campus, above, an Irish woman (Patty) approached me with her husband and friends. They inquired about the shofar. I told them the good news of what God was up to and shared my story. They accepted prayer and were on their way.


Court and police buildings in southern Michigan.

    I didn't have much time in Michigan. It was a 3-4hrs drive from Chicago and I try to get back before the kids get to bed. The court houses were on my heart and I always like to find the masonic buildings nearby so that's exactly what I did. The chill in the air was not only physical! I stayed in my car the whole time.

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