Monday, December 20, 2021

WI- Kenosha and Milwaukee, Who Knew?

 November 18, 2021


    When I looked at Wisconsin, Kenosha kept popping up. God was telling me I needed to go there. At the time, I hadn't been watching the news, so I had no idea the Rittenhouse Trials were underway right there in Kenosha. He led me straight to the courthouse, the surrounding churches and the masonic buildings. 

Courthouse in Kenosha

    Before going to the courthouse, I walked the perimeter and prayed, speaking in tongues and blowing the shofar. It was a very depressed neighborhood with the majority of businesses bordered up. The ones seemingly open were very dark. The barber shop (if that's what it really was) was cluttered with tchotchkes in the window as well in the shop. I couldn't help be drawn to Paul Reubens (aka: "Pee-Wee Herman"). He seemed to sum up the darkness of the whole thing. "I'm a lover, Dollie a rebel". Apparently, an innuendo to his homosexuality played out in the "children's show" Pee-Wee's Playhouse. 

"Barber Shop"

    I've never seen a picture of him with a tear drop or the LA tattoo underneath is eye. The tear drop often can mean death, loss of someone or the murder of someone and associated with gangs. Upon researching the LA symbol, I discovered it can represent the number 13 (L = 12th letter of alphabet; A = 1st; both equal 13). One site says "if bad luck came your way and saw the number 13 tattooed on you, it would assume you already had enough misfortune and pass you by". It can also mean alienation from traditional society. All this makes sense in the messed up world of Satan. Pee Wee Herman was a star of a show geared towards children. It was full of sexual innuendos. Turns out the actor was guilty of child porn, and exposing himself in public. Don't believe the show could really have been that sick? See for yourself:

Clips from the "children's show" Pee Wee Herman.

    Despite the pile of inappropriateness on all levels of this character lasting from 1977 until 1990, he continues on strong even to today. Just this past November, he reached out to a radio show to fulfill his dream of being a DJ. They didn't respond until his 2 million (yes, 2 million) followers bombarded the radio station with phone calls. Yes, this is all related. It's time to wake up. Wake up to what has been allowed to permeate through media, schools, hospitals etc and how that has affected us. How did we wind up where we are? Where are we? If we are fighting, what are we fighting for? Which leads me right back to Kenosha...

Protestors for Rittenhouse Trial.

    As soon as I entered Chicago, I had seen neighborhoods flooded with the flag you see above of solid red, black and green horizontal flag. Red represents the blood of people united by black ancestry shed for liberation, black the diaspora of blacks representing a people though not a nation-state and green representing the land and abundant wealth of Africa (credit: Samantha X). There are other versions of what the colors represent and more history behind it. The flag has many names but I think the most common is RBG. For more info research, Marcus Garvey, founder of UNIA-ACL.

    As I got closer to the protestors at the top of the steps, I continued to blow the shofar, speak in tongues and pray. I also had two of my trusty prayer warriors with me on the phone. I stopped right at the top and blew in all directions. Most, if not all, of the protestors were BLM (Black Lives Matter) and wanting Kyle Rittenhouse to be convicted. One black man hugged me and cried. He said we really need you here. Thank you. I hugged him back but I'm not sure he knew why I was there. As I continued on, another black man recorded me praying. I got nods of approval and right ons. 

    As I continued to pray, leaving the scene, I came across a young white man. He looked at me and gave me the BLM fist. I began to clarify by telling him that I was there for Jesus. He shook his head and I realized he was deaf. I broke out all the sign language I could remember and I think he appeared to understand me. We embraced. Oh, the irony. The one person that may have understood why I was there couldn't hear.

    So, was I there for Kyle or BLM? I was praying that all the evil be exposed and justice prevail. What I saw (in the natural) was two-fold. This kid was caught in a wicked tornado of injustice looking for any victim to slaughter. As far as I have seen of him on video, this kid is brave and full of integrity. I'm glad he got acquitted. Is that the end of the story? I don't believe so. There was a fowl spirit of white supremacy and wickedness in the police. This anger didn't arise out of no where and it has not been properly addressed. I don't think this protest was aimed properly but I think people should investigate or simply wonder why the people are so angry.

Messianic temple and building.


    I wasn't sure where God wanted me to go in Milwaukee so I just drove until I received word. It happened as I noticed this "house of prayer" you see in the pictures below.

24/7 House of Prayer

Children worker, Jennifer.

    I met this lovely woman in the back of the building. She was worn out and happy to receive prayer. I told her that I would like to go inside so she gave me her mother's phone number. When I called, I was told that no one could go inside unless given the proper tour and Jennifer wasn't officially trained. She later called back and said she could give me the tour but by then I was evangelizing on the street with Cynthia and Jennifer had left. Cynthia was a pastors daughter. She was real skeptical of everyone. She was also talking about her boy troubles, entertaining men that clearly weren't walking for God. After a while, she trusted me to pray for her. Praying the fear subsides and a renewed love and a fresh wind for the Father comes upon her.

Outdoor garden

Artwork in the garden.

Coffee shop in Milwakee

    I just felt led to go to a coffee shop. Maybe it was how cold it was. Maybe it was God. There I met Brandon. I wasn't even going to stay but something told me to tarry a little longer. He was drinking beer and I'm not sure how many. Turns out he used to be devoted to God. He was a bassist in a big church. One day, a mega-church pastor came to speak for 100,000's of dollars. He saw through his baloney and outed him in front of 1,000's of people. He never went back and since turned his back on God. I did my very best to show him the love of the father and persuade him to return back to the Father. He got teary and I know he heard me. I paid his bill and left. Praying that he has the strength to put his trust in God again and that others will come and water the seeds planted.

My reward.

    What a blessing it was to return to my cousin's house. I had a date with her youngest song. He wanted a movie night. He said they had movie trays and everything. I came back and there were about 20 of these sectioned off trays that he cleaned off by hand one by one. He made the popcorn and was ready to go. We watched the Pixar movie "Inside Out". It made for a great ending to the day.

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