Saturday, December 18, 2021

IL - Family & Downtown

 November 13-21, 2021


    I got up early and waited for Arielle, the waitress from my first night in the northern tip of Kentucky. This was my last chance to reach out to her in person. We texted the night before. She reached out and asked why I wanted to meet up with her, though she already knew why. I told her I would be there 8am with coffee waiting for her. I waited 15minutes and then left. I did all I could. God put a love in my heart for her and I will continue to pray for her.

Waiting for Arielle.

    I contacted my cousin that I haven't seen in over 20 years???? (yikes). She was "only 6hrs away" and I would knock another state off in prayer, so as soon as I got the ok, I made my way. She was concerned about me being unvaccinated, so I wasn't totally sure if I'd be able to see her or not or for how long but I figured it was worth it, if even to pray around her house. I told her this. I also got a COVID test for her. 

    A possible, couple of minutes turned into a week and a half with the whole family!! Wow. What a blessing. I bonded with her children and spent some beautiful quality time with all of them. I saw her youngest son play a soccer match, chatted with her girls and played games with the boys. She let me anoint her house with oil and I spent a full day praying over their house. Her mom lives close by and I was able to see her and pray with her as well. 

    I hope I was half the blessing they were to me. I happened to be there during my birthday. They made a special dinner, bought a cake and we even played ping pong after!!!

Cake and candles!!

Ping pong with the family.

    I was also able to catch up with my online students. I have been able to keep one pilates client and two siblings for piano. It isn't much but every lit bit helps! After a few days of catching up with the family, I was ready to take on the streets. First mission: Downtown Chicago!

Taking the Blue Line sans mask.

Blowing the shofar at the top of the UIC campus.

    God had me blow the shofar around campus and across from the hospital. I sat in the cafeteria a while waiting on God to show me exactly where he wanted me. I prayed inside the main campus building and with a few workers that needed encouragement from the Lord. 

Prayer of salvation, compliments of the Creation Museum.

    I continued on the Blue Line then transferred to the bus. The subway attendants seemed to get a kick out of me. On the way back, I saw the same two I ran across earlier. They laughed and shouted hello. I think they were surprised the white girl with the animal bone on her arm made it back alive. 

University of Chicago athletic field.

Remembrance of Chicago shooting.

    The news of Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng's death at the University of Chicago was pretty widespread. The students I talked to on campus said shootings are a natural occurrence in the area. The sign  above appeared in what I believe to be the middle of a cluster of residence halls. I called up my prayer partner and we blew our shofars. I sang and prayed. Here are some of my encounters:
  • Lauren-this beautiful, young girl was walking by and said, what a lovely voice. I said, God is calling His children back. She said she knew. I asked if she would give me a few minutes of her time. Her story reminds me of Shadow from Cincinnati. We began praying together. She wanted to invite Jesus into her life. I began to praise God and invite the Holy Spirit in. Then we began the prayer of salvation. She repeated the prayer until we got to the name Jesus. She couldn't say it. I knew it was a demonic attack. She became distracted with people passing by. I asked her to sing with me and draw her attention back. She did. But the hold on her came back. I commanded the demons to go. She began to fight and then in one instance fear gripped her and she turned and ran away. Pray for me! She said as she took off. (this is not the end of the story. God revealed more to me later)
  • "Mr. No Name"- continued praying with more fervor determined that God was doing something amazing in that place and the demons were scared. As I circled the center walkway, it was as if I was passing zombies. Several students stopped and stared like they were in a trance. I asked one of these students if he wanted prayer. No, he replied. I said, ok. What's your name? I don't have to have a name. I looked him straight in the eye and I said you certainly do have a name and a Father that loves you. I took off continuing to pray in tongues. 
  • Kierán- a beautiful man of God. Right before this something broke in the spirit. And the fruit appeared immediately with this guy. He had two cute, little dogs with him and he was eager to pray with me. Oh, this is fantastic! Yes, let's pray!! We did and it was electric. He black, I white gave glory to the Father and recognition to one race the Adamic race, under God! Still had my prayer buddy on the phone and we all felt the intense presence of the Lord. Yeeehaaaaa!!
  • Junebug- It was now dark and I needed to get back. On the long stretch back to the bus, I ran into "Junebug". He received prayer and deliverance for his mental illness. He wanted more prayer but it was time to go. I felt led to pray and felt the call to go. I listened to both.
  • Homeless men on the bus- as my stop was nearing on the bus, I stuck some money in a homeless man's paper cup. He asked me about the shofar and complimented its beauty. I told him about the Father's love and how special he was. He was just so moved by this, his verbal blessings followed me off the bus. A woman getting off with me stopped me to tell me how kind what I did was. It really moved her. 
Above all, love one another deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.
~1 Peter 4:8

    Please note, I tell you these stories not to boast on myself but of the Lord. I am nothing. He is everything. I don't have a penny without God's favor, nor do I have the capacity for love if not for the Father's relentless love towards me. 

    I was back on the subway. And I sincerely believe I encountered an angel. He was an unassuming man in his early 30s. Carried a backpack on his lap and wore a cap with corn rolls billowing out from underneath. Bohemian attire in hues of neutral. He glanced at the shofar. When I smiled at him, he asked me if that was the horn from the Bible. I said yes. He told me he was in bible college and told me of the hard life of the prophet. One of a lonely road, one that must speak the word of God to the people. The way he spoke was not sad or hopeless, rather it was gentle and encouraging. He blessed me with his words and wished me well. When he was done, it was miraculously his stop and he left. I looked outside the window but saw him no more. 

    It was after this surge of life, where I felt that God came to me Himself, that I fervently lifted Lauren up in prayer, warring on her behalf. God gave me a vision. I saw her sobbing on a bed. I saw the demonic hold lifted and her free from that bondage. I didn't "see" her freedom in the natural but I am standing firm on the belief that she is healed in the name of Jesus! Believing the seeds planted for Shadow will also bear good fruit!

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone...
~1 Timothy 2:1

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