Saturday, December 18, 2021

KY - The Creation Museum

November 11, 2021


    My good friends the Harrisons, hooked me up with free tickets to the Creation Museum! It was only 20 minutes away from where I was staying and I figured it was ok to spend a day learning about God's creation. Let's just say, I'm glad I went. Remember the scripture from Hosea about the rain? It was the first day I encountered rain on the trip, and I felt it was very significant. Great warfare was done the day prior and now, the purification. True to God's grace, the rain came mightily only after I entered the museum and let up by the time I left. 

Entrance to the Creation Museum

    I stopped in the middle of the road for a quick picture. I expected the truck driver coming out of the entrance to give me a piece of his mind NY style but instead he waved and welcomed me. Each and every staff member was warm, inviting and ready to serve. They truly reflected the love of God. It was delightful.

Fall foliage at the Creation grounds

A serene waterfall leading up to the entrance of the museum

    I took my time outside the museum to enjoy the outdoors, commune with God and reflect on His beauty. I wrestled with wanting to experience everything offered, yet not rush. I feel I found a pretty good balance. I even spent a few moments listening to the trickling of water beside the steps up to the grand entrance. Once inside, I planned out all the showings and was able to see everything offered, as well as all the exhibits. Only thing I missed was the zip lining. But I wasn't interested in doing that in the rain. 

Dragon Legends around the World

    The first exhibit I saw was a big spread on dinosaurs and dragon legends that tied into scripture. I was so encouraged. I felt like God was giving me intel for my undercover operations (confirming a word I would receive in Colorado). I studied the maps and commanded the root of all evil in each of these regions to go. I stood there quite a while sending heavenly hosts out against these demons and giving time to God to reveal the nature of these beasts and the connection they have with certain regions.

Biblical depiction of Behemoth

Biblical depiction of Leviathan

    When I set off on my first bread crumb trail from God to New England (a year ago), the inner workings of the devil were beginning to come to light for me. I was learning about Jezebel and Leviathan mostly. As God through me in to doing deliverance, I hungrily learned about my enemy. I needed to identify what these demons were in order to kick them out of people. I also found that the more I learned about my adversary, the more I learned about and grew in my own identity in Christ. There is so much more for me to learn, so I was excited to come upon this as the first exhibit.

    Talk about learning...My favorite presentation was "Creation vs Evolution: Does Worldview Impact How We Interpret the Evidence?" given by Dr. Gabriela Haynes. She had that rare combination of scientific intelligence and faith in Jesus. She even allowed me to pray for her afterwards. What a humble, beautiful human.

    Ok, back to the learning... growing up, I learned evolution in school. Most of what I learned was a blur but I have a vague recollection of it. I remember asking what the fish sign with little feet meant. What was darwinism? And then trying to put the pieces of evolution together with the Bible, as was also presented to me in childhood. I believed in God. Even though I struggled with certain aspects of the Bible, I believed in it. I had faith that the book was an authoritative voice. So my mind couldn't put the two together. When I found myself in a position having to defend God, I was often posed with this question, how could the Bible be real if it doesn't line up with evolution? 

    My first thought, was that 'a day' must be a loose interpretation. English isn't the first language of the Bible and even if it were what about this scripture:

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways." This is the LORD's declaration.
~Isaiah 55:8

    This scripture rang through my head. My mind is so small compared to God. I always had a sense that His concept of time was much different than mine. I figured one day could be thousands or more days in my understanding. After a while, I just dismissed the evolution theory as faulted and not worth considering. I didn't have much interest in researching it further and besides, didn't all the "educated" people of the Middle Ages make everyone believe the earth was flat? In my estimation, science will never be able to catch up to God so I have been skeptical of its findings in general. 

Lucy by Johanson & Edey

PBS special on Youtube debunking evolution

    I had never seen this video before. I vaguely recalled hearing about "Lucy the ape" but wow! The head of anthropology at Kent State University, Dr. Lovejoy completely altered the hip bone of this "Lucy" ape fossil because he wanted it to become a human. He made a plaster version of what he found in Ethiopia and then took a power saw to it. Why is this important?? It's everything. Evolution in its nature debunks God. It goes against science (because the definition of science (Merriam Webster: knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation). Yet, evolution is taught in most public schools as truth and rooted in science. 

Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.
~1 Peter 3:15

So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.
~Genesis 1:27

    Essentially, schools are set up to brainwash us into thinking God does not exist. If we believe we came from an ape, how could we be made in God's likeness and image? Without God, why do we exist? Do you wonder why anxiety is on the rise? People don't know what their identity is. Instead of Satan being our enemy, people and things become our enemy..."They" are the problem. Insert "they" with color of skin, political or religious affiliation, vaccinated/unvaccinated...the list goes on and on.

    This is a time of great divide and many are making decisions based on fear. People are afraid their rights will be taken away. Right to wear a mask, not wear a mask, abort a baby, be a boy or a girl. A feeling of fear is real. It doesn't mean it's rooted in truth. As a teen and pre-teen I was suicidal. That feeling was real. Was it based in truth? That I was worthless and rejected and unloved? Then what determines our worth if not our feelings or our affiliations or our economic status? My parents loved me. What if they didn't? Some parents totally reject their child, leaving them in a dumpster to die. Does that act define the worth of that child? God tells me every life is precious.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
~Jeremiah 29:11

Glass House by Ham & Hodge

    The findings of Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge in the book, "Glass House", were used greatly in the presentation by Dr. Haynes. The hope is for us to investigate Creation further and try to grasp the full understanding of what science can and cannot offer. Honestly, I was shocked at how evolution is based so much on faith of the imagination and a manipulated hip bone of "Lucy" the famous ape discovered in 1974. Here are some questions to ponder if you are sold on the idea of or shaky about the concept of evolution:
  • If we developed from apes, why do apes still exist?
  • How do we know the difference between evil and good?
  • Where are the transitional fossils for evolution?
  • What is science? 
  • Since macro-evolution has never been observed how can it be taught as science?
    I am no expert nor do I pretend to be. I do know who Jesus Christ is and how my relationship with God has completely altered who I am. I have also seen how this same God, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has greatly impacted many lives around me. Each day, I hunger to devote myself to this God and to live out the great commission. If you are the least bit encouraged, hallelujah. You don't have to traverse the land as I am but you can if you feel led. Ask what God wants from you today and heed the voice that calls you.

And He said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature."
~Mark 16:15

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