Monday, December 6, 2021

KY-OH Cane Ridge Meeting House

 November 9, 2021


Frontyard view of my new friends in Kentucky on Patriot Lane.

Bourbon cellar at my friend's Kentucky home.

    Oh Bourbon! My dear friend in Kentucky is about to be set free. This is a very impressive collection of Bourbon with one bottle estimated at over $2,000. He almost didn't show me knowing what God really wanted him to do with it and fearing that I may confirm what he knew God was asking of him. His father was an alcoholic and this collection was his way of holding some control over what the drink did to his father and family. But he knew breakthrough was coming and promised to get rid of it all. Reconciliation with his father was soon to follow!

Declaring a wealth transfer in the state of Kentucky!

    On my way to Cane Ridge Meeting House (the other point of the spearhead in Kentucky envisioned by the prophetic word given at Dutch Sheets church), God kept impressing upon me to declare a wealth transfer. By the time I arrived, the 11th hour was starting and confirmed just that. The first thing spoke of was the wealth transfer. Praise God, let it be!

    The main sign off the side of the road for Cane Ridge Meeting House was strikingly similar to the one from the Red River Meeting House but that was about it. The wide expanse of grain and cattle farmland and quaint wood-crafted meeting place of the Red River Meeting House was in stark contrast to the somewhat cramped, fenced in lot of Cane Ridge Meeting House. It was riddled with statues, benches, phallic symbols and buildings dedicated to past and present curators and donors. 

The Cane Ridge Meeting House.

The Cane Ridge "shrine" and accompanying plaque.

One of the many monuments in the cemetery acting as a phallic symbol.

Dedicated Curator building complete with iron wrought bars on the windows.

The memorial building, much larger than the "shrine", housed opposite (to what appears to be) the current curators house.

    When I arrived at the Cane Ridge Meeting House, I found a notice on the door indicating the hours of operation accompanied by a phone number for further questions and concerns. I called up in hopes that the curator could come and open the building. Despite all these dedications and attention to those up keeping the grounds, my call posed as an irritation. Whereas the Red River Meeting House appeared as a place of coming home, returning to Jesus met with spiritual warfare of generations past, the Cane Ridge Meeting House appeared to mimick the current hardened heart of the people as a result of built up idols in place of Jesus. 

    I met a man taking photos in hopes of creating a book dedicated to these old churches with no regard for the God behind them. Everything I came across seemed to point to the creation of man rather than the Creator Himself. In fact, the plaque on this meeting house was coined a "shrine". That didn't sit right with me but I didn't know exactly why. What is the meaning of a shrine? Merriam Webster denotes 'it is a place where people go to worship because of its connection to a saint or deity'. Well, I think that about wraps it up for me. I am not interested in worshipping the people that worship God, a place where people worshipped God and certainly not a deity that isn't THE GOD, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Father that sent His One and only Son, Jesus to die for my sins. This seemingly subtle point on direction of worship is (to me) monumental. The Lord was very clear when He spoke to Moses and commanded him to relay the message to the people as dictated in Exodus and Deuteronomy:

Do not have any other gods besides Me. Do not make an idol for yourself in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them or worship them...

Proclaiming scripture, blowing the shofar and reclaiming the land for Jesus.

    God had me open up to Jeremiah 7 and declare as if it was today. He had me continue reading Jeremiah 8 then 9 encircling the perimeter of the entire property until a chant uprooted out of the book of Micah:

Break up!
Break out!
Break through!
Pass over!
(shofar blast)

One who breaks open the way will advance before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and leave by it. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord as their leader.
~Micah 2:13

    When I arrived at the entrance gate, God had me circle around myself blowing the low soothing tone of the shofar, a sound of healing, until He said to stop. I returned to Micah 9:23 and read on until Micah 10:16. A white van trailed in and a woman appeared. Her name was Carol. She was from Texas and she was carrying a small shofar! We prayed together and despite the great size difference in our shofars, we were in perfect harmony, blowing the trumpets together!

Ladybug slightly right of center.

    These ladybugs in all designs, appeared both at Red River and Cane Ridge Meeting Houses. They are a sign of prosperity returning. God revealed to me that He was removing the muzzle placed on His Holy Temple driven by greed, evil, money, recognition and status. Every blade of grass, tree, cattle, HORSE (there are many) will be returned to the righteous. 

'Obey Me, and do everything that I command you, and you will be My people, and I will be your God', in order to establish the oath I swore to your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is today.
~Jeremiah 11:4b-5

    This is the command God gave to us, to obey Him. He is returning us to the purity and ultimate provision from the Garden of Eden. He had me do a final lap of praise with my white flags singing "All Honor, All Glory". It wasn't out of an outpouring of my heart. I was drained and honestly feeling a tad defeated. I did it as an act of obedience. Even with Carol dropping by, I felt alone. The day was fading and I did not know yet where I would rest my head for the night. 

An eerie sky looming over the harvested crops.

Note the shifting of the sky (compare with pic above with bible and shofar).

For who scorns the day of small things?
~Zechariah 4:10

    The sky seemed to indicate a greater work being done. God was on the move. I cannot despise the little things. There was no army that day that I could see. Just me, some prayers, some praise, my flags, the shofar and a bible. The ominous clouds reminded me of the evilness of what I see in the natural, and now even in the supernatural! But GOD! 

    I had a possible lead to stay with a friend of a friend about an hour away. Not knowing if it would pan out, I headed that way and kept on the move. About half way there, I received word that it wouldn't work out. They were locked down in quarantine. Frustrated, I figured this was it. I entered "home" into the GPS and figured I would work out the sleeping arrangements along the way. Off I went. Not too much later, directions point me east to New York but God said, "Get off!" I knew when I saw it: Cincinnati, Ohio. That was the next stop. How would I have known if I didn't just keep going? The thrilling, yet precarious, dance with Jesus was still in motion...

    Yet again, cousin Tammy comes to the rescue. She checked out a whole bunch of places for me while I drove. It wasn't working out in the heart of Cincinnati, so I went back over the Ohio River that divides Ohio and Kentucky and followed her lead to a great location. A river view for less than half the normal rate. They were under construction but that didn't bother me! I was in walking distance to all the governmental buildings and places God had put on my heart to pray over. 

View over Ohio River and into "Cinsinasty" as my new-found Kentucky friends refer to it.

    Once I arrived at the hotel, I was meeting many people who allowed me to pray for them and share my love for Jesus. It was a nice boost needed after a day of feeling a little defeated. I needed to soak in His presence, read His word and get a fresh start in the morning. Famished after a long day of prayer, I treated myself to a meal out. Most of the time, it's snacks on the go. 

Buckhead Mountain Grill, located adjacent to the hotel I stayed in.

    My waitress was Arielle. She had a heavy limp and was in her 20s. She opened up to me about how she was in a terrible car accident with a death wish. I was so excited and hopeful that she would be receiving Jesus that very night. I called up a few friends to pray for her while I was there. She agreed to meet up with me and share her story. I told her I would stay an extra night, being that she could only meet the in the morning two days later. This worked out perfectly. I knew there was much to be done in Cincinnati.


  1. Praise God for your time with Arielle!

  2. Please continue to pray for her. She called the other night around 3am. It could've been a mistake but it could have been something else.
