Saturday, December 11, 2021

OH- Cinsinasty PART I: The Prelude

November 10, 2021


    An early rise for prayer and a mapping out of the days agenda. So much happened on this day that it will be more digestible in parts. This post will focus on everything in Kentucky that led up to entering into Ohio.

Reading and preparation from God for the day: Hosea 5-9 (recommend reading entire passage)

Blow the trumpet!

Come let us return to the Lord
For He has torn us, 
and He will heal us,
He has wounded us,
and He will bind up our wounds. 

...He will come like the rain, like spring showers, that water land

They have installed kings, but not through Me. They have appointed leaders, but without my approval.

For this thing is from Israel-- a craftsman made it, and it is not God. The calf of Samaria will be smashed to bits!

Map of route for the day (at least as many stops as google allows)

    God put the governmental buildings of Cincinnati heavily on my heart. I carried my big shofar, wrapped it around my arm and took off in the morning. Sometimes I feel God asking me: Will you take the big shofar with you to uncomfortable places where you can't tuck it away in your purse like the little one? Will you blow it in a sea of onlookers? To what lengths will you go to obey Me? I would like to say I would go anywhere, do anything. At these moments, I find myself recalling the story of Peter adamantly stating he wouldn't deny Jesus only to deny him three times by the end of the day. Often, I find myself asking God for courage and boldness coupled with supernatural strength so that I will not fall into that same trap. It is never in my own strength. I do not want to be arrogant and I do not want to let my precious Father down.

    It was a long day full of interesting encounters. Everything was within walking distance and the weather was cold but sunny. 

View from Kentucky over the Ohio River into Cincinnati.

    The first person I encountered before entering the Purple People Bridge, was a red-headed female pastor. She didn't know what the shofar was. She wasn't aware of the prophetic. When I asked her if she would like to pray with me, she said she was on vacation and rushed off. My heart dropped for a moment but I turned my disappointment into prayer. I don't understand such a thing but it's not my place to judge anyone else. 

Entrance on Kentucky side of Purple People Bridge.

In the spirit of love, place your lock here. Internet tells me it's a romantic gesture.

Rejection hmm.

The foot bridge connecting Kentucky to Ohio...

Locked, as well.

    I found this whole bridge journey as a profound parallel to todays current climate. Love locks representing eternal love, the word "reject" stamped above it and the border between one end of the bridge and the other blocked off. The official report of divorce in the US for 2020 is at 41% for 1st time marriages. Have we "rejekted" the institute of love (a craftsman has made it, and it is not God)? Have we put our faith in the likes of man? And has the world opened up one end of a path only to shut it down at the other side?

USS Nightmare

Back/side view of the USS Nightmare

    You can't make this stuff up. When I saw 'USS Nightmare' on googlemaps, I did not imagine it would literally be a nightmare of a vessel. It was dirty, rusty, dilapidated yet bustling with activity. Upon further investigation, I learned that it currently hosts haunted tours. Originally, this drudge vessel was named USS William S. Mitchell, after its captain. It was built in 1934. Its dark history reveals massacres, clowns and collected bones. For more disturbing info check out:

Entering Ohio

   See you on the other side!

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