Monday, December 13, 2021

OH- Cinsinasty PART III: Unrelenting Evil

November 10, 2021


    Again, reminder that the reading of the day from God was Hosea 5-9. As I continued, I wound up in more centralized locations with more foot traffic. There were many encouraging lovers of Christ that God sent me to encourage and pray for. Here's what I can remember:
  • Leonard- a beautiful man, full of the joy of the Lord. He worked in one of these buildings that are filled with fear, insecurity, pride and wickedness. He just shook his head in despair, revealing his heavy heart as to how evil it was inside. He was so thankful when I offered prayer. He just kept repeating, oh I needed that, I really needed that.
  • Donovan- a worker at the defense agency. God prompted me to tell him the vision I had and to tell the appropriate people. Unfortunately, i didn't record the vision so I only remember that it included an explosion and wiping out of evil. He was shocked by the encounter, that someone would offer prayer and share a vision but it was well received. He mentioned his concern about being watched at work with video surveillance but asked for prayer anyway. Please pray for his protection and courage.
Proctor and Gamble headquarters

John Weld Peck Federal Building with evil eye 

    The Proctor and Gamble building and the Peck Building wreaked of that heavy wickedness. The people on the streets reflected that frenetic energy. As I blew the shofar, the people were agitated. 
  • A gentleman with a dog- came up to me and asked what the battle call was requiring. I told him that God was calling His children to come back and turn from their wicked ways. He looked like he wanted a physical battle and was confused by my response. In the next few moments we spoke silently, in an understanding where I told him it was a spiritual battle and one that we had to get right with God individually to fight effectively. He wasn't the only one that knew that the sound of the trumpet was a cry for battle. This was an amazing realization that God's people do hear the call and it is usually in the most wicked of places. For the dark gets darker and the light gets lighter.

Group of teens waiting for the bus.
  • A group of energetic teens got freaked out by the shofar and asked if I was putting voodoo on them. I said certainly not, just the opposite. What's the opposite of voodoo, they exclaimed? I said Jesus! Do you believe in Jesus? They said yes, emphatically. It was a beautiful thing. I asked if they wanted prayer. One of the girls called her other friends over and said they always pray together. We huddled in a circle and I prayed for them. It was a great charge of faith for me. A hope for generations to come.
  • Jeremy- what a great sense of joy. He was so surprised that I offered him prayer. He dropped everything he was doing and came into a deep reverence for God. He was greatly encouraged and said the town needed a lot more of that. He asked me to come back and pray with him again. I said I'd be leaving soon but that he has the torch and God will now use him to pray for others and be the encourager, which he already is. He was just so happy, wish I took a pic of his gleaming face. He just loved Jesus so much.
Fifth Third Bank

Courthouse of Justice

    The continued structural wickedness (set institutionally) that penetrated throughout the city was unrelenting. I blew the shofar everywhere. On the courthouse, I laid my hands on the building and cried for justice, for rights to be returned to the people. In other places, one can find numbness. Here, it was mostly a split between fearful avoidance and heart-wrenching empathy.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

    The racial upset across the nation is just unreal to me. Lingering white supremacy going back to slavery chills the air in the south but eerily here, as well. I will share about my experience on the steps of the courthouse where the Rittenhouse trial occurred and go more in-depth to my thoughts on this. But on the streets of Cincinnati, the overwhelming response from the black population was "right on, sister". They were so encouraging. One lady screamed, Blow that thing louder! Lips chapping and weary from puckering it gave me that extra boost I needed, not to mention a laugh. Another woman stopped me and said we need a whole bunch of people blowing those at the same time. I said it sometimes only takes one. She lit up and turned around with a pep to her step exclaiming, that's right! So precious.

Robert, the elder

    Passing by a church, I met Robert the elder and Bob the worker. They just happened to both be named Bob. Robert the elder didn't know what the shofar was but the other Bob did. Bob the elder was quick to judge Bob saying he spends his money to frivolously. I told him that God is our only judge. He allowed for prayer. I blew the shofar and we three prayed together. I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to be His mouthpiece with love and boldness.

Campbell County Veterans Memorial Bridge footpath.

    Here is where the spirit of white supremacy was fierce. Angry faces and faint graffiti echoing this statement appeared all across the bridge. I just blew the shofar the whole time and prayed. This following link is a "fraternal" website: They gloat on the sight about people underestimating their power including two articles revealing their connection to the KKK. One boasts of a near death flogging and the other of the cooperation of klansmen resisting the disapproval of the commissioner of the time. And this link is only one that Campbell County proudly advertises as their history. Another link of "Sin City" highlights the killing of a prohibition officer and a "grill" that doesn't sell food but rather girls.

Masonic Temple at dusk

    Unfortunately, blatant anti-hate groups are prevalent today. Not everyone is aware that the freemasons are Satanists but I do believe that's changing. I also believe that many lower level freemasons aren't even aware of the depths of evil at the core of the organization. The amount of information that is available today is quite extensive. If you want the truth, start to dig. It's out there.

Video highlighting selections from book of freemasonry.
    Don't be afraid to dig. The information can be overwhelming and once you start, it's hard to stop. But it's necessary that we seek the truth and are aware of the evil around us.

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. See, I have told you in advance.
~Matthew 24:24-25

A great sign of the true anecdote to kill all sin.

Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
~1 Corinthians 13:5-8a

    I know this is a heavy post. Tomorrow we go to the Creation Museum! Not as heart heavy but may rock your beliefs on evolution if that is what you have learned. Stay tuned. It's worth the ride. Let me know you're here with me. Write a comment, send a text. I appreciate it. Until tomorrow!

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