Monday, December 13, 2021

OH- Cinsinasty PART II: Evil Exposed

November 10, 2021


    As a reminder from the last post, Hosea 5-9 was the passage God had given me for the day. Another call to blow the trumpet!!

One of the many governmental buildings of Cincinnati.

    My first stop on the map (see last post) was the Governmental Acquisitions Office. I immediately sensed an overwhelming wickedness in my Spirit. I blew the shofar and prayed as God commanded. Sadly, I had a knowing that some people would pass as God called for the wicked to be destroyed.

A resemblance to "Shadow"

    At the corner of this building, I met a young man who called himself "Shadow". He looked a little bit like the picture above but his skin was darker and his contact lenses were stark yellow. He blasted metal music in his ear, wore a hoodie with spikes on it and black/blood red attire. My discernment told me it was ok to approach him and also that he had strayed from God, carrying some demons. I asked him if he knew Jesus. He said yes. I said praise the Lord. Then I asked if he had strayed from the Lord. He got fidgety. I said Jesus loves you and as I continued to say there is no where we can go that God can't find us he professed that he did this and that for the church. I said that's admirable but you don't need to do anything for God's love but to surrender. I asked if he wanted to pray with me. We locked eyes and his demons were enraged. He said that his sins were too deep. He was too far gone. I protested. Told him that there is always hope in Jesus. He thanked me for trying but it was no use. He ran across the street saying there was no hope for him. I desperately called after him telling him that Jesus loves him and when my voice could no longer reach him, I blew my shofar. Please pray for Shadow. There is always hope.

An elevated highway with graffiti saying "Hades".

    This "Hades" graffiti loomed over the bypass below where governmental buildings reside. As I turned the corner, I saw the RV in the picture below. I had a terrible feeling that something awful was happening there. 

RV with security enforcement outside of it.

    I cannot prove to you that anything actually happened with that vehicle but I believe what I hear from God. I heatedly broke out into tongues and aggressively blew the shofar. I was angry.

1.2 million children are trafficked a year. 
Forced labor is a $150 billion per year industry.
One child every 26 seconds is trafficked globally.
*Numbers vary greatly from various reports and common sense will tell us that no matter how many people have been identified as trafficked, there are many more not found due to the sick and dark nature of the whole operation. 

    For those that can't believe this can happen on US soil (I don't think anybody could be left in this category but you never know), or in politics, or right there in front of your face, please wake up. For those that can't face these injustices because it is just too horrifying to face, please, I implore you, step out of denial and start to be open to learning more about it. There are many coming out against these atrocities. It is being revealed on a larger scale. The Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein case (if you haven't watched yet, do so. It's on Netflix) was an eye opener for many. It gives just a tiny peek into just how sick and deep it goes. Do you know Ghislaine Maxwell owns our oceans (investigate Terra Mar)?

    And yes, just to clarify, I am alluding to the fact that the terrible feeling I had about that RV was that some abuse of children was going on by political figures. An atrocity hidden in plain site.

For we do not battle against  flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
~Ephesians 6:12

    You might think that I just took a huge rabbit hole detour but in reality, it's all tied together. I truly believe all sin is the same. That's a tough one to equate pedophilia with thinking a bad thought but that's truly what I believe. Let's see what big Papa has to say:

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
~James 2:10

Judge not, that ye be not judged.
~Matthew 7:1-5

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
~Romans 3:23

As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.
~Romans 3:10

    Why is this so important? I am not out on the streets fighting people. On the outside, it would appear I am like Don Quixote fighting windmills in an imaginary quest to no avail. But alas! That's not the case.

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
~Luke 10:19

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 
~2 Corinthians 10:3-4

Not by might nor power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.
~Zechariah 4:6

    I truly believe in the power of prayer and that by the power of the Great I AM dwelling within me I have the ability to stamp on these unseen demons. I truly believe the words of Jesus:

Very truly I tell you whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
~John 14:12

    I will never be perfect like Jesus and know that in my weakness He is strong. In order to be effective in the spirit, I need to constantly remind myself that I am a mere vessel and it is not me but the power within me that has the power to cast out demons. Did Jesus cast out demons? Yes. That means I can, too! Could He command the angels? Sure. Does God want all evil eradicated? Of course, He does! I give all glory and honor to God and I believe it is my job to do on earth all that Jesus did and more. The more part is hard to grasp but He said it, so I'm trying to wrap my head around it and go for it!

    The rest of this day was filled with warfare in the spiritual realm and more encounters with people. Come, let's take the journey together in Part III of "Cinsinasty"...

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