Monday, November 29, 2021

AL-TN Children Go Where I Send Thee

 November 7-8, 2021


Above: The white mushy stuff on the left is grits (tasty). The white mushy stuff on the right is "gravy". No, thank you. 

    Destination accomplished. I imagined showing up showered and in Sunday best for church but alas, not an option. I set out to find breakfast and figured I'd aim to return by 8am. With service starting at 10:45am, I was sure I would find an opportunity to serve and meet people involved in the ministry. This would be the first of many, many biscuits I would encounter. 

Believe in Yahweh your God, and you will be established; 
believe in His prophets, and you will succeed.
~2 Chronicles 20:20b

    When I returned to the church, two people had already arrived and were waiting on line. They were from Alabama and come every week from about 1hr away. As the time grew closer, an ever increasing line grew and wrapped around the church. I was told that just about every week visitors have come from New York. People come from all over to receive the anointing and listen to the proven prophet Robin D. Bullock, his wife and pastor Robin and their ministering team. There were people I met from Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Texas and Tennessee. All come to hear a tried and true modern day prophet that walks humbly and speaks the truth in love.

    I had a few hours to kill. It was cold, so I left my bag at the front and walked into the sun where I was able to chat with folks from all over. I was told of movements of God happening all over the states. We prayed together and the Holy Spirit dropped. I blew the shofar at the lowest vibration I can make, a sound of healing over a woman who needed just that, a healing. Two beautiful words were spoken over me that I will cherish:
  1. You have eyes like Jesus. (humbled and deeply moved by this)
  2. You have a "lean back" spirit about you where you go where God leads, following where He says to go (I'm pretty sure this was preparing me for the next leg of this adventure, instilling courage in me)

    Here's a peek inside the church...

    I was able to get a seat on the aisle so I could worship freely. My finger is pointing to where I sat. 

    It felt a little congested to break out the flags so I danced without them and sang my little heart out. At the end of service, a gentleman thanked me and said my dancing greatly blessed him. He placed a big financial blessing in my hand. I cried tears of gratitude. He told me he wasn't the only one. That someone else had placed another financial blessing in my bag. 

    The power of the Holy Spirit in that room was so thick Robin D. Bullock said he saw fog. There was a guest speaker named Nancy Alcorn and she spoke on behalf of her ministry called "Mercy Multiplied". They take in broken women and help them FREE OF CHARGE. The girls must want to be there. Please donate, pray, read the success stories, and spread the news of this amazing program that is located in numerous states, as well as oversees. See website: The love of God that she shared for these girls and God's hand upon it is truly moving.

    At the end of service, I stayed for prayer...which took quite some time. They start with the people that weren't fortunate enough to sit inside (very nice) and ended with the best seats, which is where I was. I had met a lovely woman of 85yrs old that searched to give me a word from God. When she asked if it sounded about right to me, I was honest and said no. Then she paused and it was right. She said, "move and God will move. Just keep moving." I knew that was from God. She let me pray for her and she teared up, as the spirit of the Lord moved on her. 

   My flesh was crushed because I had anticipated learning much and staying longer. There was no opportunity to serve or to attend any church events during the week. I proved a blessing to a few that I prayed for and ministered to and that made me feel good. Sitting in my truck, prayer warrior Mark who leads the Tuesday night prayers online checked to see if I was ok and told me he'd keep me in their prayers. I appreciate them immensely. He also searched to give me the right word from God but I knew I did was God asked, I came. But as dusk encroached, I knew it was time to move on. 

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