Thursday, December 30, 2021

IA-NE Obedience

 November 21, 2021


    The word of the day from God was 1 Corinthians 4. It prepared me to not judge, not seek attention from others and position myself in humility. 

The One who evaluates me is the Lord. Therefore don't judge anything prematurely, before the Lord comes, who will both bring to light what is hidden in darkness and reveal the intentions of the hearts.
~1 Corinthians 4:4b-5

    Iowa was full of very high winds. On these highways I've been traveling, there are many big trucks that travel at high speeds. At one point, all the big trucks around me came to a screeching halt, pulling their emergency brakes. Praise Jesus, I had room on my right to pull into another lane so the truck that was traveling too close behind me could keep rolling forward. It definitely makes me uncomfortable how close these trucks can ride. Moments like this remind me why. 

Fields to the left, fields to the right. 

    Fields of farmland stretched as far as the eye can see in every direction. Through this monotonous sea of beige and light green under pale blue skies, God was teaching me about wealth distribution. God's word was: SOW! I past a sign about corn walls to protect your property. God gave me an amount to give away. I went up to the house and knocked on the door. No answer. A small part of me wondered if I heard correctly but then God spoke to my heart. He told me He just wanted my obedience. 

Place of obedience.

    Maybe that's all that God wanted me to do but I felt like that money God asked of me should now be directed elsewhere. I was looking for opportunities to glorify God with that money. Meanwhile, God told me to get rid of some of my clothes. There was a clothing drop and I had a bag of clothes in the back of the truck. When I went to get the bag, he revealed to me that I only needed to get rid of my favorite sweater (not my sweatpants that keep me warm). I wasn't too happy about my hesitance in wanting to get rid of my pants but God is so gentle. 

    This whole leg of the trip was about putting obedience over sacrifice. Pay for the person before me at the register, pull over here, drop off your clothes there. Then, God gave me a revelation. A fire came upon me as a result of that obedience in time, finances and doing as He tells me. The release of the video testimony that Jennifer Turner and Devon Stone put together at C3 Church was part of this blessing of God's fire upon me.

Testimony of God's abundance

    God didn't just want my money. He wanted obedience from me in every area of my life. At one gas station, I saw a woman across from me at the pump. God gave me a word for her. As I walked over to her, I introduced myself and asked if I could pray for her. She agreed. I said her daughter was going to be ok and not to worry about her. I prayed for good health for her family and for financial abundance. I encouraged her to rise up and pray. When God told me about her daughter being ok, I had no idea if I heard correctly. Did she even have a daughter? How dare I question God but I did. God is so gentle, as I came toward her, I saw two girls in the car. It gave me more confidence, being the chances of them being her daughters were pretty high.


Stock photo from internet on Omaha, Nebraska

    I arrived in Omaha after dark. It surprised me. I didn't expect it to look the way it did. It was a mini-city with a lot of bars, neon signs and looming debauchery. The next morning, I was told a shooting happened that night, not far from the hotel. 

Breakfast at the hotel.

    I was delighted that I was able to get spinach for breakfast. Getting greens on the road isn't easy, especially for breakfast. A lovely woman greeted me at breakfast. Her name was Betty. She confided in me her story of ill-health, leading to her losing her job followed by her apartment and how she was just getting back to work. She had asked for prayer. Remember that money God told me to give? Well, I felt led to transfer that to Betty. I wrote her a check and left. 

    Later on, Betty contacted me. She had gotten my number from the hotel. She told me the money was stolen from her and asked if I could send more. I told her I would be available for prayer anytime but never to contact me about money again. After hearing this, many would say I should have never given that money. Did I do the right thing? Honestly, I won't know until I get to heaven but I would rather be financially generous when in doubt than miss an opportunity or a test God sets before me. 

Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.
Matthew 7:1-2

Monday, December 20, 2021

IN-MI Notre Dome & Michigan Mason

November 19, 2021


    My plan was to go to Michigan. As I was going through Indiana to get there, I remembered that the universities were a big part of the Sam Dewald prayer points and specifically Notre Dame. I put the university on GPS to see if it was anywhere in the vicinity. Of course! In God flow, it was directly in line with where I had set out to go!

Notre Dame big open house weekend.

    When I arrived on campus, I felt a little like I was in England or a movie set. Very stoic and grand. The sentiment I got was sports first, party hard/study hard, big competition and tons of pressure. Mask signs were everywhere but they were not enforced. There was a book signing with several authors coming in the afternoon. This one below caught my eye. 

Book signing inside the campus bookstore "Gay, Catholic, and American"

Center of campus sharing the Good News.

    I spent a bit of time praising God and blowing the shofar around the entire campus. I passed clusters of parents and students. One student flew by on a hover board, another buried in thoughts, a few covered in mud after tag football in mud stained animal suites (yes, one as a pig, another a bear?). In that moment, I truly felt I was on the set of the movie "National Lampoon's Animal House". And true to the scene, the next building was the biggest yet with a huge fraternity welcome banner draped down three stories with huge columns on either side.

    At the center of campus, above, an Irish woman (Patty) approached me with her husband and friends. They inquired about the shofar. I told them the good news of what God was up to and shared my story. They accepted prayer and were on their way.


Court and police buildings in southern Michigan.

    I didn't have much time in Michigan. It was a 3-4hrs drive from Chicago and I try to get back before the kids get to bed. The court houses were on my heart and I always like to find the masonic buildings nearby so that's exactly what I did. The chill in the air was not only physical! I stayed in my car the whole time.

WI- Kenosha and Milwaukee, Who Knew?

 November 18, 2021


    When I looked at Wisconsin, Kenosha kept popping up. God was telling me I needed to go there. At the time, I hadn't been watching the news, so I had no idea the Rittenhouse Trials were underway right there in Kenosha. He led me straight to the courthouse, the surrounding churches and the masonic buildings. 

Courthouse in Kenosha

    Before going to the courthouse, I walked the perimeter and prayed, speaking in tongues and blowing the shofar. It was a very depressed neighborhood with the majority of businesses bordered up. The ones seemingly open were very dark. The barber shop (if that's what it really was) was cluttered with tchotchkes in the window as well in the shop. I couldn't help be drawn to Paul Reubens (aka: "Pee-Wee Herman"). He seemed to sum up the darkness of the whole thing. "I'm a lover, Dollie a rebel". Apparently, an innuendo to his homosexuality played out in the "children's show" Pee-Wee's Playhouse. 

"Barber Shop"

    I've never seen a picture of him with a tear drop or the LA tattoo underneath is eye. The tear drop often can mean death, loss of someone or the murder of someone and associated with gangs. Upon researching the LA symbol, I discovered it can represent the number 13 (L = 12th letter of alphabet; A = 1st; both equal 13). One site says "if bad luck came your way and saw the number 13 tattooed on you, it would assume you already had enough misfortune and pass you by". It can also mean alienation from traditional society. All this makes sense in the messed up world of Satan. Pee Wee Herman was a star of a show geared towards children. It was full of sexual innuendos. Turns out the actor was guilty of child porn, and exposing himself in public. Don't believe the show could really have been that sick? See for yourself:

Clips from the "children's show" Pee Wee Herman.

    Despite the pile of inappropriateness on all levels of this character lasting from 1977 until 1990, he continues on strong even to today. Just this past November, he reached out to a radio show to fulfill his dream of being a DJ. They didn't respond until his 2 million (yes, 2 million) followers bombarded the radio station with phone calls. Yes, this is all related. It's time to wake up. Wake up to what has been allowed to permeate through media, schools, hospitals etc and how that has affected us. How did we wind up where we are? Where are we? If we are fighting, what are we fighting for? Which leads me right back to Kenosha...

Protestors for Rittenhouse Trial.

    As soon as I entered Chicago, I had seen neighborhoods flooded with the flag you see above of solid red, black and green horizontal flag. Red represents the blood of people united by black ancestry shed for liberation, black the diaspora of blacks representing a people though not a nation-state and green representing the land and abundant wealth of Africa (credit: Samantha X). There are other versions of what the colors represent and more history behind it. The flag has many names but I think the most common is RBG. For more info research, Marcus Garvey, founder of UNIA-ACL.

    As I got closer to the protestors at the top of the steps, I continued to blow the shofar, speak in tongues and pray. I also had two of my trusty prayer warriors with me on the phone. I stopped right at the top and blew in all directions. Most, if not all, of the protestors were BLM (Black Lives Matter) and wanting Kyle Rittenhouse to be convicted. One black man hugged me and cried. He said we really need you here. Thank you. I hugged him back but I'm not sure he knew why I was there. As I continued on, another black man recorded me praying. I got nods of approval and right ons. 

    As I continued to pray, leaving the scene, I came across a young white man. He looked at me and gave me the BLM fist. I began to clarify by telling him that I was there for Jesus. He shook his head and I realized he was deaf. I broke out all the sign language I could remember and I think he appeared to understand me. We embraced. Oh, the irony. The one person that may have understood why I was there couldn't hear.

    So, was I there for Kyle or BLM? I was praying that all the evil be exposed and justice prevail. What I saw (in the natural) was two-fold. This kid was caught in a wicked tornado of injustice looking for any victim to slaughter. As far as I have seen of him on video, this kid is brave and full of integrity. I'm glad he got acquitted. Is that the end of the story? I don't believe so. There was a fowl spirit of white supremacy and wickedness in the police. This anger didn't arise out of no where and it has not been properly addressed. I don't think this protest was aimed properly but I think people should investigate or simply wonder why the people are so angry.

Messianic temple and building.


    I wasn't sure where God wanted me to go in Milwaukee so I just drove until I received word. It happened as I noticed this "house of prayer" you see in the pictures below.

24/7 House of Prayer

Children worker, Jennifer.

    I met this lovely woman in the back of the building. She was worn out and happy to receive prayer. I told her that I would like to go inside so she gave me her mother's phone number. When I called, I was told that no one could go inside unless given the proper tour and Jennifer wasn't officially trained. She later called back and said she could give me the tour but by then I was evangelizing on the street with Cynthia and Jennifer had left. Cynthia was a pastors daughter. She was real skeptical of everyone. She was also talking about her boy troubles, entertaining men that clearly weren't walking for God. After a while, she trusted me to pray for her. Praying the fear subsides and a renewed love and a fresh wind for the Father comes upon her.

Outdoor garden

Artwork in the garden.

Coffee shop in Milwakee

    I just felt led to go to a coffee shop. Maybe it was how cold it was. Maybe it was God. There I met Brandon. I wasn't even going to stay but something told me to tarry a little longer. He was drinking beer and I'm not sure how many. Turns out he used to be devoted to God. He was a bassist in a big church. One day, a mega-church pastor came to speak for 100,000's of dollars. He saw through his baloney and outed him in front of 1,000's of people. He never went back and since turned his back on God. I did my very best to show him the love of the father and persuade him to return back to the Father. He got teary and I know he heard me. I paid his bill and left. Praying that he has the strength to put his trust in God again and that others will come and water the seeds planted.

My reward.

    What a blessing it was to return to my cousin's house. I had a date with her youngest song. He wanted a movie night. He said they had movie trays and everything. I came back and there were about 20 of these sectioned off trays that he cleaned off by hand one by one. He made the popcorn and was ready to go. We watched the Pixar movie "Inside Out". It made for a great ending to the day.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

IL - Family & Downtown

 November 13-21, 2021


    I got up early and waited for Arielle, the waitress from my first night in the northern tip of Kentucky. This was my last chance to reach out to her in person. We texted the night before. She reached out and asked why I wanted to meet up with her, though she already knew why. I told her I would be there 8am with coffee waiting for her. I waited 15minutes and then left. I did all I could. God put a love in my heart for her and I will continue to pray for her.

Waiting for Arielle.

    I contacted my cousin that I haven't seen in over 20 years???? (yikes). She was "only 6hrs away" and I would knock another state off in prayer, so as soon as I got the ok, I made my way. She was concerned about me being unvaccinated, so I wasn't totally sure if I'd be able to see her or not or for how long but I figured it was worth it, if even to pray around her house. I told her this. I also got a COVID test for her. 

    A possible, couple of minutes turned into a week and a half with the whole family!! Wow. What a blessing. I bonded with her children and spent some beautiful quality time with all of them. I saw her youngest son play a soccer match, chatted with her girls and played games with the boys. She let me anoint her house with oil and I spent a full day praying over their house. Her mom lives close by and I was able to see her and pray with her as well. 

    I hope I was half the blessing they were to me. I happened to be there during my birthday. They made a special dinner, bought a cake and we even played ping pong after!!!

Cake and candles!!

Ping pong with the family.

    I was also able to catch up with my online students. I have been able to keep one pilates client and two siblings for piano. It isn't much but every lit bit helps! After a few days of catching up with the family, I was ready to take on the streets. First mission: Downtown Chicago!

Taking the Blue Line sans mask.

Blowing the shofar at the top of the UIC campus.

    God had me blow the shofar around campus and across from the hospital. I sat in the cafeteria a while waiting on God to show me exactly where he wanted me. I prayed inside the main campus building and with a few workers that needed encouragement from the Lord. 

Prayer of salvation, compliments of the Creation Museum.

    I continued on the Blue Line then transferred to the bus. The subway attendants seemed to get a kick out of me. On the way back, I saw the same two I ran across earlier. They laughed and shouted hello. I think they were surprised the white girl with the animal bone on her arm made it back alive. 

University of Chicago athletic field.

Remembrance of Chicago shooting.

    The news of Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng's death at the University of Chicago was pretty widespread. The students I talked to on campus said shootings are a natural occurrence in the area. The sign  above appeared in what I believe to be the middle of a cluster of residence halls. I called up my prayer partner and we blew our shofars. I sang and prayed. Here are some of my encounters:
  • Lauren-this beautiful, young girl was walking by and said, what a lovely voice. I said, God is calling His children back. She said she knew. I asked if she would give me a few minutes of her time. Her story reminds me of Shadow from Cincinnati. We began praying together. She wanted to invite Jesus into her life. I began to praise God and invite the Holy Spirit in. Then we began the prayer of salvation. She repeated the prayer until we got to the name Jesus. She couldn't say it. I knew it was a demonic attack. She became distracted with people passing by. I asked her to sing with me and draw her attention back. She did. But the hold on her came back. I commanded the demons to go. She began to fight and then in one instance fear gripped her and she turned and ran away. Pray for me! She said as she took off. (this is not the end of the story. God revealed more to me later)
  • "Mr. No Name"- continued praying with more fervor determined that God was doing something amazing in that place and the demons were scared. As I circled the center walkway, it was as if I was passing zombies. Several students stopped and stared like they were in a trance. I asked one of these students if he wanted prayer. No, he replied. I said, ok. What's your name? I don't have to have a name. I looked him straight in the eye and I said you certainly do have a name and a Father that loves you. I took off continuing to pray in tongues. 
  • Kierán- a beautiful man of God. Right before this something broke in the spirit. And the fruit appeared immediately with this guy. He had two cute, little dogs with him and he was eager to pray with me. Oh, this is fantastic! Yes, let's pray!! We did and it was electric. He black, I white gave glory to the Father and recognition to one race the Adamic race, under God! Still had my prayer buddy on the phone and we all felt the intense presence of the Lord. Yeeehaaaaa!!
  • Junebug- It was now dark and I needed to get back. On the long stretch back to the bus, I ran into "Junebug". He received prayer and deliverance for his mental illness. He wanted more prayer but it was time to go. I felt led to pray and felt the call to go. I listened to both.
  • Homeless men on the bus- as my stop was nearing on the bus, I stuck some money in a homeless man's paper cup. He asked me about the shofar and complimented its beauty. I told him about the Father's love and how special he was. He was just so moved by this, his verbal blessings followed me off the bus. A woman getting off with me stopped me to tell me how kind what I did was. It really moved her. 
Above all, love one another deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.
~1 Peter 4:8

    Please note, I tell you these stories not to boast on myself but of the Lord. I am nothing. He is everything. I don't have a penny without God's favor, nor do I have the capacity for love if not for the Father's relentless love towards me. 

    I was back on the subway. And I sincerely believe I encountered an angel. He was an unassuming man in his early 30s. Carried a backpack on his lap and wore a cap with corn rolls billowing out from underneath. Bohemian attire in hues of neutral. He glanced at the shofar. When I smiled at him, he asked me if that was the horn from the Bible. I said yes. He told me he was in bible college and told me of the hard life of the prophet. One of a lonely road, one that must speak the word of God to the people. The way he spoke was not sad or hopeless, rather it was gentle and encouraging. He blessed me with his words and wished me well. When he was done, it was miraculously his stop and he left. I looked outside the window but saw him no more. 

    It was after this surge of life, where I felt that God came to me Himself, that I fervently lifted Lauren up in prayer, warring on her behalf. God gave me a vision. I saw her sobbing on a bed. I saw the demonic hold lifted and her free from that bondage. I didn't "see" her freedom in the natural but I am standing firm on the belief that she is healed in the name of Jesus! Believing the seeds planted for Shadow will also bear good fruit!

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone...
~1 Timothy 2:1

KY - The Creation Museum

November 11, 2021


    My good friends the Harrisons, hooked me up with free tickets to the Creation Museum! It was only 20 minutes away from where I was staying and I figured it was ok to spend a day learning about God's creation. Let's just say, I'm glad I went. Remember the scripture from Hosea about the rain? It was the first day I encountered rain on the trip, and I felt it was very significant. Great warfare was done the day prior and now, the purification. True to God's grace, the rain came mightily only after I entered the museum and let up by the time I left. 

Entrance to the Creation Museum

    I stopped in the middle of the road for a quick picture. I expected the truck driver coming out of the entrance to give me a piece of his mind NY style but instead he waved and welcomed me. Each and every staff member was warm, inviting and ready to serve. They truly reflected the love of God. It was delightful.

Fall foliage at the Creation grounds

A serene waterfall leading up to the entrance of the museum

    I took my time outside the museum to enjoy the outdoors, commune with God and reflect on His beauty. I wrestled with wanting to experience everything offered, yet not rush. I feel I found a pretty good balance. I even spent a few moments listening to the trickling of water beside the steps up to the grand entrance. Once inside, I planned out all the showings and was able to see everything offered, as well as all the exhibits. Only thing I missed was the zip lining. But I wasn't interested in doing that in the rain. 

Dragon Legends around the World

    The first exhibit I saw was a big spread on dinosaurs and dragon legends that tied into scripture. I was so encouraged. I felt like God was giving me intel for my undercover operations (confirming a word I would receive in Colorado). I studied the maps and commanded the root of all evil in each of these regions to go. I stood there quite a while sending heavenly hosts out against these demons and giving time to God to reveal the nature of these beasts and the connection they have with certain regions.

Biblical depiction of Behemoth

Biblical depiction of Leviathan

    When I set off on my first bread crumb trail from God to New England (a year ago), the inner workings of the devil were beginning to come to light for me. I was learning about Jezebel and Leviathan mostly. As God through me in to doing deliverance, I hungrily learned about my enemy. I needed to identify what these demons were in order to kick them out of people. I also found that the more I learned about my adversary, the more I learned about and grew in my own identity in Christ. There is so much more for me to learn, so I was excited to come upon this as the first exhibit.

    Talk about learning...My favorite presentation was "Creation vs Evolution: Does Worldview Impact How We Interpret the Evidence?" given by Dr. Gabriela Haynes. She had that rare combination of scientific intelligence and faith in Jesus. She even allowed me to pray for her afterwards. What a humble, beautiful human.

    Ok, back to the learning... growing up, I learned evolution in school. Most of what I learned was a blur but I have a vague recollection of it. I remember asking what the fish sign with little feet meant. What was darwinism? And then trying to put the pieces of evolution together with the Bible, as was also presented to me in childhood. I believed in God. Even though I struggled with certain aspects of the Bible, I believed in it. I had faith that the book was an authoritative voice. So my mind couldn't put the two together. When I found myself in a position having to defend God, I was often posed with this question, how could the Bible be real if it doesn't line up with evolution? 

    My first thought, was that 'a day' must be a loose interpretation. English isn't the first language of the Bible and even if it were what about this scripture:

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways." This is the LORD's declaration.
~Isaiah 55:8

    This scripture rang through my head. My mind is so small compared to God. I always had a sense that His concept of time was much different than mine. I figured one day could be thousands or more days in my understanding. After a while, I just dismissed the evolution theory as faulted and not worth considering. I didn't have much interest in researching it further and besides, didn't all the "educated" people of the Middle Ages make everyone believe the earth was flat? In my estimation, science will never be able to catch up to God so I have been skeptical of its findings in general. 

Lucy by Johanson & Edey

PBS special on Youtube debunking evolution

    I had never seen this video before. I vaguely recalled hearing about "Lucy the ape" but wow! The head of anthropology at Kent State University, Dr. Lovejoy completely altered the hip bone of this "Lucy" ape fossil because he wanted it to become a human. He made a plaster version of what he found in Ethiopia and then took a power saw to it. Why is this important?? It's everything. Evolution in its nature debunks God. It goes against science (because the definition of science (Merriam Webster: knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation). Yet, evolution is taught in most public schools as truth and rooted in science. 

Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.
~1 Peter 3:15

So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.
~Genesis 1:27

    Essentially, schools are set up to brainwash us into thinking God does not exist. If we believe we came from an ape, how could we be made in God's likeness and image? Without God, why do we exist? Do you wonder why anxiety is on the rise? People don't know what their identity is. Instead of Satan being our enemy, people and things become our enemy..."They" are the problem. Insert "they" with color of skin, political or religious affiliation, vaccinated/unvaccinated...the list goes on and on.

    This is a time of great divide and many are making decisions based on fear. People are afraid their rights will be taken away. Right to wear a mask, not wear a mask, abort a baby, be a boy or a girl. A feeling of fear is real. It doesn't mean it's rooted in truth. As a teen and pre-teen I was suicidal. That feeling was real. Was it based in truth? That I was worthless and rejected and unloved? Then what determines our worth if not our feelings or our affiliations or our economic status? My parents loved me. What if they didn't? Some parents totally reject their child, leaving them in a dumpster to die. Does that act define the worth of that child? God tells me every life is precious.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
~Jeremiah 29:11

Glass House by Ham & Hodge

    The findings of Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge in the book, "Glass House", were used greatly in the presentation by Dr. Haynes. The hope is for us to investigate Creation further and try to grasp the full understanding of what science can and cannot offer. Honestly, I was shocked at how evolution is based so much on faith of the imagination and a manipulated hip bone of "Lucy" the famous ape discovered in 1974. Here are some questions to ponder if you are sold on the idea of or shaky about the concept of evolution:
  • If we developed from apes, why do apes still exist?
  • How do we know the difference between evil and good?
  • Where are the transitional fossils for evolution?
  • What is science? 
  • Since macro-evolution has never been observed how can it be taught as science?
    I am no expert nor do I pretend to be. I do know who Jesus Christ is and how my relationship with God has completely altered who I am. I have also seen how this same God, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has greatly impacted many lives around me. Each day, I hunger to devote myself to this God and to live out the great commission. If you are the least bit encouraged, hallelujah. You don't have to traverse the land as I am but you can if you feel led. Ask what God wants from you today and heed the voice that calls you.

And He said unto them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature."
~Mark 16:15

Monday, December 13, 2021

OH- Cinsinasty PART III: Unrelenting Evil

November 10, 2021


    Again, reminder that the reading of the day from God was Hosea 5-9. As I continued, I wound up in more centralized locations with more foot traffic. There were many encouraging lovers of Christ that God sent me to encourage and pray for. Here's what I can remember:
  • Leonard- a beautiful man, full of the joy of the Lord. He worked in one of these buildings that are filled with fear, insecurity, pride and wickedness. He just shook his head in despair, revealing his heavy heart as to how evil it was inside. He was so thankful when I offered prayer. He just kept repeating, oh I needed that, I really needed that.
  • Donovan- a worker at the defense agency. God prompted me to tell him the vision I had and to tell the appropriate people. Unfortunately, i didn't record the vision so I only remember that it included an explosion and wiping out of evil. He was shocked by the encounter, that someone would offer prayer and share a vision but it was well received. He mentioned his concern about being watched at work with video surveillance but asked for prayer anyway. Please pray for his protection and courage.
Proctor and Gamble headquarters

John Weld Peck Federal Building with evil eye 

    The Proctor and Gamble building and the Peck Building wreaked of that heavy wickedness. The people on the streets reflected that frenetic energy. As I blew the shofar, the people were agitated. 
  • A gentleman with a dog- came up to me and asked what the battle call was requiring. I told him that God was calling His children to come back and turn from their wicked ways. He looked like he wanted a physical battle and was confused by my response. In the next few moments we spoke silently, in an understanding where I told him it was a spiritual battle and one that we had to get right with God individually to fight effectively. He wasn't the only one that knew that the sound of the trumpet was a cry for battle. This was an amazing realization that God's people do hear the call and it is usually in the most wicked of places. For the dark gets darker and the light gets lighter.

Group of teens waiting for the bus.
  • A group of energetic teens got freaked out by the shofar and asked if I was putting voodoo on them. I said certainly not, just the opposite. What's the opposite of voodoo, they exclaimed? I said Jesus! Do you believe in Jesus? They said yes, emphatically. It was a beautiful thing. I asked if they wanted prayer. One of the girls called her other friends over and said they always pray together. We huddled in a circle and I prayed for them. It was a great charge of faith for me. A hope for generations to come.
  • Jeremy- what a great sense of joy. He was so surprised that I offered him prayer. He dropped everything he was doing and came into a deep reverence for God. He was greatly encouraged and said the town needed a lot more of that. He asked me to come back and pray with him again. I said I'd be leaving soon but that he has the torch and God will now use him to pray for others and be the encourager, which he already is. He was just so happy, wish I took a pic of his gleaming face. He just loved Jesus so much.
Fifth Third Bank

Courthouse of Justice

    The continued structural wickedness (set institutionally) that penetrated throughout the city was unrelenting. I blew the shofar everywhere. On the courthouse, I laid my hands on the building and cried for justice, for rights to be returned to the people. In other places, one can find numbness. Here, it was mostly a split between fearful avoidance and heart-wrenching empathy.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

    The racial upset across the nation is just unreal to me. Lingering white supremacy going back to slavery chills the air in the south but eerily here, as well. I will share about my experience on the steps of the courthouse where the Rittenhouse trial occurred and go more in-depth to my thoughts on this. But on the streets of Cincinnati, the overwhelming response from the black population was "right on, sister". They were so encouraging. One lady screamed, Blow that thing louder! Lips chapping and weary from puckering it gave me that extra boost I needed, not to mention a laugh. Another woman stopped me and said we need a whole bunch of people blowing those at the same time. I said it sometimes only takes one. She lit up and turned around with a pep to her step exclaiming, that's right! So precious.

Robert, the elder

    Passing by a church, I met Robert the elder and Bob the worker. They just happened to both be named Bob. Robert the elder didn't know what the shofar was but the other Bob did. Bob the elder was quick to judge Bob saying he spends his money to frivolously. I told him that God is our only judge. He allowed for prayer. I blew the shofar and we three prayed together. I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to be His mouthpiece with love and boldness.

Campbell County Veterans Memorial Bridge footpath.

    Here is where the spirit of white supremacy was fierce. Angry faces and faint graffiti echoing this statement appeared all across the bridge. I just blew the shofar the whole time and prayed. This following link is a "fraternal" website: They gloat on the sight about people underestimating their power including two articles revealing their connection to the KKK. One boasts of a near death flogging and the other of the cooperation of klansmen resisting the disapproval of the commissioner of the time. And this link is only one that Campbell County proudly advertises as their history. Another link of "Sin City" highlights the killing of a prohibition officer and a "grill" that doesn't sell food but rather girls.

Masonic Temple at dusk

    Unfortunately, blatant anti-hate groups are prevalent today. Not everyone is aware that the freemasons are Satanists but I do believe that's changing. I also believe that many lower level freemasons aren't even aware of the depths of evil at the core of the organization. The amount of information that is available today is quite extensive. If you want the truth, start to dig. It's out there.

Video highlighting selections from book of freemasonry.
    Don't be afraid to dig. The information can be overwhelming and once you start, it's hard to stop. But it's necessary that we seek the truth and are aware of the evil around us.

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. See, I have told you in advance.
~Matthew 24:24-25

A great sign of the true anecdote to kill all sin.

Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
~1 Corinthians 13:5-8a

    I know this is a heavy post. Tomorrow we go to the Creation Museum! Not as heart heavy but may rock your beliefs on evolution if that is what you have learned. Stay tuned. It's worth the ride. Let me know you're here with me. Write a comment, send a text. I appreciate it. Until tomorrow!

OH- Cinsinasty PART II: Evil Exposed

November 10, 2021


    As a reminder from the last post, Hosea 5-9 was the passage God had given me for the day. Another call to blow the trumpet!!

One of the many governmental buildings of Cincinnati.

    My first stop on the map (see last post) was the Governmental Acquisitions Office. I immediately sensed an overwhelming wickedness in my Spirit. I blew the shofar and prayed as God commanded. Sadly, I had a knowing that some people would pass as God called for the wicked to be destroyed.

A resemblance to "Shadow"

    At the corner of this building, I met a young man who called himself "Shadow". He looked a little bit like the picture above but his skin was darker and his contact lenses were stark yellow. He blasted metal music in his ear, wore a hoodie with spikes on it and black/blood red attire. My discernment told me it was ok to approach him and also that he had strayed from God, carrying some demons. I asked him if he knew Jesus. He said yes. I said praise the Lord. Then I asked if he had strayed from the Lord. He got fidgety. I said Jesus loves you and as I continued to say there is no where we can go that God can't find us he professed that he did this and that for the church. I said that's admirable but you don't need to do anything for God's love but to surrender. I asked if he wanted to pray with me. We locked eyes and his demons were enraged. He said that his sins were too deep. He was too far gone. I protested. Told him that there is always hope in Jesus. He thanked me for trying but it was no use. He ran across the street saying there was no hope for him. I desperately called after him telling him that Jesus loves him and when my voice could no longer reach him, I blew my shofar. Please pray for Shadow. There is always hope.

An elevated highway with graffiti saying "Hades".

    This "Hades" graffiti loomed over the bypass below where governmental buildings reside. As I turned the corner, I saw the RV in the picture below. I had a terrible feeling that something awful was happening there. 

RV with security enforcement outside of it.

    I cannot prove to you that anything actually happened with that vehicle but I believe what I hear from God. I heatedly broke out into tongues and aggressively blew the shofar. I was angry.

1.2 million children are trafficked a year. 
Forced labor is a $150 billion per year industry.
One child every 26 seconds is trafficked globally.
*Numbers vary greatly from various reports and common sense will tell us that no matter how many people have been identified as trafficked, there are many more not found due to the sick and dark nature of the whole operation. 

    For those that can't believe this can happen on US soil (I don't think anybody could be left in this category but you never know), or in politics, or right there in front of your face, please wake up. For those that can't face these injustices because it is just too horrifying to face, please, I implore you, step out of denial and start to be open to learning more about it. There are many coming out against these atrocities. It is being revealed on a larger scale. The Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein case (if you haven't watched yet, do so. It's on Netflix) was an eye opener for many. It gives just a tiny peek into just how sick and deep it goes. Do you know Ghislaine Maxwell owns our oceans (investigate Terra Mar)?

    And yes, just to clarify, I am alluding to the fact that the terrible feeling I had about that RV was that some abuse of children was going on by political figures. An atrocity hidden in plain site.

For we do not battle against  flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
~Ephesians 6:12

    You might think that I just took a huge rabbit hole detour but in reality, it's all tied together. I truly believe all sin is the same. That's a tough one to equate pedophilia with thinking a bad thought but that's truly what I believe. Let's see what big Papa has to say:

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
~James 2:10

Judge not, that ye be not judged.
~Matthew 7:1-5

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
~Romans 3:23

As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one.
~Romans 3:10

    Why is this so important? I am not out on the streets fighting people. On the outside, it would appear I am like Don Quixote fighting windmills in an imaginary quest to no avail. But alas! That's not the case.

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
~Luke 10:19

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 
~2 Corinthians 10:3-4

Not by might nor power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.
~Zechariah 4:6

    I truly believe in the power of prayer and that by the power of the Great I AM dwelling within me I have the ability to stamp on these unseen demons. I truly believe the words of Jesus:

Very truly I tell you whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
~John 14:12

    I will never be perfect like Jesus and know that in my weakness He is strong. In order to be effective in the spirit, I need to constantly remind myself that I am a mere vessel and it is not me but the power within me that has the power to cast out demons. Did Jesus cast out demons? Yes. That means I can, too! Could He command the angels? Sure. Does God want all evil eradicated? Of course, He does! I give all glory and honor to God and I believe it is my job to do on earth all that Jesus did and more. The more part is hard to grasp but He said it, so I'm trying to wrap my head around it and go for it!

    The rest of this day was filled with warfare in the spiritual realm and more encounters with people. Come, let's take the journey together in Part III of "Cinsinasty"...