Monday, November 22, 2021

NY-VA: Pack It and Go!

November 4-6, 2021

"Teacher, what good must I do to have eternal life?" 
Jesus told him only One is good and to keep the commandments. 
"I have kept all these, what do I still lack?"
Jesus replied "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your belongings...then come, follow Me."
-Matthew 19:16-21

    That story has haunted me for some time. I believe God was preparing me to lay it all down and follow Him. This story intertwined with a vision of Peter Simon and Andrew putting down their nets IMMEDIATELY to follow Jesus. "So what is taking me so long?" I would think to myself. I knew He wanted all of me. I just didn't know what it looked like. Sell my home? Quit working? Where would I go? I didn't know but I knew He was preparing me. 


     Thursday after work, the idea of going to Warrior Alabama was gnawing at my insides. "When?", God? I was waiting for a clear sign. I didn't want to act outside of His will. I had been telling my boss about my "plans" but neither of us knew when it would happen. Fortunately, she loves Jesus and is extremely open and flexible. I told her I thought it would be soon. When we sat down to talk, the "plan" started formulating quickly and I realized that God was calling me NOW. 

    The wheels were in motion. I went home and packed haphazardly, not knowing how long I'd be gone for or what the foreseeable weather would be. I did my best to prepare the garden for winter and that was it. Big Red was ready to go! I headed off to my best friend's house to pray up and get a family blessing.

    GPS said the trip would take about 16-17hrs, so I knew I'd have to stop half way. I left around 5am and made it to Virginia by about 12noon. Every state was greeted with a sound of the shofar, warfare in the spiritual realm and prayers to pave the way for a returned nation to Christ. 


    Having left in a hurry, I wasn't able to catch up on an oil change so I searched out a Jiffy Lube. My review: not the best option. Super expensive and they want to tack on a zillion other things to your service. Upside: Dunkin' Donuts next door where I was able to minister to Andy. He comes in with masking tape on his glasses, disheveled and short changed. Offering to pay what he needed, I asked him to sit with me. Apparently, he had given his life to Jesus but lost hope along the way (one of many that I would come upon). He allowed me to pray for him and speak hope into his life. Praise the Lord, he left with a smile and a pocket full of hope :) 


    When I arrived in Virginia, it was a gorgeous day and I thought it best to be outside but I was drawn to the caves! I had never seen one before and there was a tour happening soon so I took advantage the opportunity. I was in awe of God's endless beauty, imagination and ability. Rushing waters carved out these spectacular mazes beneath the earth. Although there existed pools of water, the majority of this cave was bone dry. Sounds stopped dead in their tracks and when the lights were turned off, there was a stillness so profound it was incredible. 

"Be still and know that I am God"
    ~Psalm 46:10

    From there, I was blessed to meet up with my high school buddy who turned her home into a lavish food forest with fruit trees, berries, plants and even goats! Below is a view inside a greenhouse on the side of her home that she built herself using reclaimed wood, including old windows.

    Who knew my friend would be able to host me at such short notice? Surely God did. He is my Jehovah Jireh, my Provider. If He's shown me once, He's shown me a thousand times and in this journey, He is just beginning to show off. 

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable they they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
    ~Matthew 10: 26-27

While driving, there were many things being discerned in the spirit. I tried to write some down along the way. See the link for 50 States PRAYER GUIDE for more in-depth prayer points.

NY - city: poverty in physical and heart
NJ - agitation, frustration, pollution
PA - sexual perversion
MD - political wickedness
WVA - anger, impatience, entitlement, gambling, addiction, pollution
VA - religious pride, aggression

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