Friday, November 19, 2021

The Gathering

On Saturday, October 16, 2021 an epic event occurred.

     The Lord was cooking up something very special. A covert event in which a limited amount of tickets was distributed. On the last day to sign up, I heard about the event from a friend and was able to obtain tickets for myself, my best friend, and my aunts. 

    We didn't know exactly what to expect but we knew it would be powerful. We knew that the prophets we had been watching online would be attending and that we would be praying for NY. That was more than enough! 

    It seemed everything God was teaching me about warfare in the supernatural was coming to a climax! There are few words to express just how moving it is to "gather" with others who yearn to understand God and fight for his kingdom on earth with such authority and unity!!

The special speakers were:

Delora & Denis O'Brien
Amanda Grace
Robin D. Bullock and their whole ministry

Here's a YouTube follow up with the prophets: 

    The true warrior was awakened in me and there was no turning back! It wouldn't be long before God was calling me to leave everything I knew behind and follow Him alone.

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