Wednesday, November 24, 2021

VA-AL Just Get to the Blessing.


November 6-7, 2021


    An easy morning spent with my high school buddy and back on the road through the beautiful fall foliage of Virginia.


    I was eager to get a nature break, so I was seeking some trails. I felt lead to get off at an exit in Ooltewah, close to Chattanooga. I didn't find any trails close to the exit but I was led to pull over at the gas mart, somewhat like the one below. There was a very heavy, dark spirit that hung over that place. Walking into the mart, there was a man staring me down on a motorcycle with the teardrop under his eye (sign for murder in gangs). 

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
~2 Timothy 1:7

    Inside, I found two men grumbling loudly about all the injustice in their lives. I prayed in tongues quietly on the other side of the aisle. When they spoke against Jesus, I gently walked over and looked into the eyes of what I believe to be a satanist and told them whatever they had heard, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. They clearly looked possessed and the one man wore a shirt with 2 devils on it. The power of God was so strong on me, I knew no demon had a chance. Leaving, the same sheriff car at the pump was still there when I had arrived. I got the feeling he was not there to protect the people. 

    I returned to my car and waited for the sheriff to leave. I broke out my shofar and got my best friend on the phone to do warfare. She could feel the heaviness over the phone. During the warfare, there was a mentally ill man who wanted to know what was going on. He professed to love Jesus and he let me pray for him and do deliverance on him. Praise the Lord. We warred until we felt a shift.


    Back on the highway, I kept my eyes open for the next hiking opportunity. I followed signs for a park but instead wound up at this beautiful horse ranch. There I met Stacy and Eddie from Ohio. They go to a church that evangelist Mario Murillo frequents! Stacy graduated from my alma mater SUNY Fredonia. Loving Jesus, they had no problem accepting prayer. They needed a fresh wind. We joined together and asked God for an increase of FIRE!! This was one of those beautiful God winks, where I "randomly" wound up down a secluded backwoods road only to find fellow lovers of Christ with mutual connections. The perfect anecdote for encouragement on the road, especially needed after the previous battle over darkness. 

    Then...I finally found "Warriors' Path State Park" where there was a trail called "Devil's Backbone". 'Oh no you don't!', I thought. The devil has no backbone and I'm going to pray over this trail and rename it! So I called up my aunt and we blew our shofars together and prayed before the journey. A couple heard the blast and when they saw me on the trail they asked about the sound. Again, the theme of fresh wind and fire arose. They were avid church goers but had grown complacent. 

    A beautiful metaphor for God's sacrifice came to me while on the hike. A red trail marker represented Satan's mark of human sacrifice. My wrist on the marker represented the blood from His ultimate sacrifice, destroying the plans of the enemy.  

Our sins are washed away and we are made clean because Christ gave His own body as a gift to God. He did this once for all time.
~Hebrews 10:10

    The devil's back was broke that day and the new (unofficial) name is "Jesus' Way". The beauty of God's miracle that day was reflected in this awe inspiring lake at the base of the trail.

When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them] exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross.
~Colossians 2:15

    Nothing is more invigorating than doing the work of the Lord. Fighting in the spiritual realm can be draining and not understood by the majority of the population; however, it is also highly rewarding. Not in a way where you receive acclamation from the world but rather in a closeness to God. A closeness that reveals a deep seated peace and an ever deepening reliance on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that supersedes anything and everything that this world can provide.

Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
~Matthew 6:19-20


    And like that back on the road, eager to get to Warrior, Alabama. Now it was getting dark and I was eager to get to my final destination: Church International! I stopped at the gas station and had my first true southern welcome. This beautiful woman (wish I could remember her name) greeted me after hours of driving with a big hello. When I told her I have never tried boiled peanuts, she scooped up a healthy portion and offered them to me, free of charge! ...unfortunately, i couldn't eat but one they tasted terrible to me. We both laughed.

    It wasn't too long before I finally made it to the church. It was about 9pm and I was exhausted. There were hotels located about 45 minutes north or south but I decided to sleep in the back of the truck with the sleeping bags I packed. It was frigid!! Apparently the south is very cold at night, who knew? I got about 2hrs sleep but it's better than nothing!

    Saving grace??? Porta potties!!!! This was a game changer. PRAISE THE LORD.

While driving, there were many things being discerned in the spirit. I tried to write some down along the way. See the link for 50 States PRAYER GUIDE for more in-depth prayer points.

VA - religious pride, aggression
TN - KKK, white supremacy, alcoholism, vengeance, depression, anger, sacrifices, satanism,                 gambling, sexual perversion, loneliness, murder, hopelessness

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