Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is Certain?

Will I wake up tomorrow?
Will I find my knight in shining armor?
Will I fulfill my purpose on this earth?

What is certain? What have I, should I, will I, am I basing my life on? Where's the rule book?

Why do I find I hold my breath? Why do I cry? Why is Art so important to me?

I recently discovered a new word in German: Leidenschaft. It means 'passion'. Funny thing is, 'Leiden' means sorrow. My Leidenschaft has relocated me half way around the world, to meet the most fantastic people, to discover history as no book or class has ever revealed, and has given me the tools to reinvent myself. The Leiden accounts for the hours of tears and yearning in an inability to present my gifts to the world as I know them to be. Is it possible to have Leidenschaft ohne Leiden?

What is my reality? Do I have the ability to change that reality? Do I want to?

What happens when you strip yourself of all you know and define your own reality? How does one do this? Where do you begin? How does one find what she doesn't know if she only knows what she know? (Thank you Dr. Seuss) So, why would reinventing onself be of any interest anyway?

Well, I've never frequented a jail cell, killed another human or have been so lost never to have been able to return from whence I came. Well, at least I'm still here to talk about it.

I've spent the majority of my life in school seeking answers from books or teachers or anywhere but from within myself. University allowed me to blossom but I was still not prepared for life outside of school walls. How does one survive as an artist? How does the sensitive soul toughen against the criticism, rejection and worst of all the overly critical self? How does one remain emotional stable when the voice is never the same? How does one create stability in a sea of uncertainty?

Was anyone wondering what the other half of Leidenschaft means? Schaft =
Shank of a tool- which keeps the remaining parts from rotating
Stock of firearm- to which the barrel and firing mechanism is attached
Shaft- a pole weapon such as a spear

What happens when we put the driving force of a weapon together with sorrow? You can come to your own conclusions but I offer you this...

Perhaps our passion is what drives away the sorrow of the world.

Writing this passage makes me feel like a warrior. Overcoming my own barriers and fears is an inspiration to others. Letting others watch me as I stumble and see my growth allows for others to open their minds to finding their own discoveries to all that blocks them in their search for Truth and understanding. What is your truth?

4 Agreements (maybe this can help us find our way):
1. Be impeccable with your word
2. Don't take anything personally
3. Don't make assumptions
4. Always do your best
-Don Miguel Ruiz

*If we are always impeccable with our word we will find what our personal Truth is and therefore be able to manifest it.

Love and Blessings,


  1. Love this! Love the 4 Agreements - great book and oh-so-true!

  2. Leidenschaft (gesteigert, aber als Begriff abkommend: Inbrunst) ist eine das Gemüt völlig ergreifende Emotion. Sie umfasst Formen der Liebe und des Hasses, wird aber auch für religiösen, moralischen oder politischen Enthusiasmus benutzt und beschreibt die intensive Verfolgung von Zielen von beispielsweise Kunstliebhabern, Sammlern oder von Tierfreunden. Im ursprünglichen Sinn schwingt immer der Beilaut von etwas Zerstörerischem mit. Im heutigen Alltagssprachgebrauch wird das Leiden Schaffende jedoch oft verdrängt. Mittlerweile hat Leidenschaft eher eine positive Konnotation.

    schaft comes from "schaffen" - something, that creates "suffer" (not sorrow). From my point of view it is not possible to be passionated without suffering. Which is - I guess - okay, ´cause otherwise it woudnt be real passion..
