Saturday, January 23, 2010

Deutschkurs A 1.3

Deutschkurs at the end of A1.3 for a celebration

German class is everyday from 9:30am-12:45pm. It takes me 45min-1hr to get there. First I walk to the U-Bahn, take the U-Bahn to Waschauerstrasse, take a tram or walk from there. We have two teachers: Neslihan (furthest from left) and Martina (short blond hair with jeans in the middle). There are about 20 of us representing Spain, Brazil, Australia, Paraguay, Vietnam, Venezuela, Ethiopia, Italy, Ukrain, Moldovia, Great Britain and Albania. Hello United Nations! It's a great class because most everyone is motivated to learn, and able.

Tsion is from Ethiopia. She is short and usually wears her hair out big or with a scarf (far back right). She is pregnant with her second child. She is pretty quiet but not as quiet as Lan (to her left). They usually sit next to each other and are both married. Lan is from Vietnam. She speaks very quietly and it is hard to hear her when she speaks. Her German pronciation is hard to understand but her grasp of the language is the best in the class. Carolina is a close second. Her husband Cassio is also in the class. They are both from Brazil but came to Berlin via Barcelona. They speak English, Portuguese and Spanish. I often sit next to them.

Most of the class speaks English. Besides Tsion and Lan, Angela and Lydia are the only other students that don't speak English. Angela speaks Romanian, Russian and her native dialect. She comes from Moldavia. Angela has a round face with big brown eyes and stark black hair with blangs. She is 40yrs old or so and has a daughter that plays the piano (she is very proud of her playing the piano). She has a pleasant smile and comes across as sweet and niave. Before almost every response she lets out a big sigh. Often, she is our comic relief. Lydia also speaks Russian. She comes from the Ukrain.

Gerald & Georgia                              Cassio & Carolina                              Richard, Anai & Tammy

Gerald and Georgia are married. He plays the drums and she designs shoes. Cassio and Carolina are married as well. They came to my birthday gathering at the apartment and sometimes we study together. Richard as his wife (not in our class) came to visit me at the Christmas market to try some honeywine. Many class members went to see Tammy perform at a restaurant. She is a singer-songwriter originally from Australia. On this last day, she taught us a round (a song that repeats and overlaps at certain intervals- we do this often with Row Row Row your Boat) about the Cuckaburros.

Tammy teaching us the Round                                                                  Emiliano being his funny self

This was in celebration of completing level A 1.3. After the holidays, we move into A 2.1. Everyone brought something to eat. Lan even made Vietnamese egg rolls. She woke up at 6am to make sure they were hot and fresh for class. They were great. We all ate and were merry and I also sang "Ach ich fuehls". 

I look forward to our next class. I'm hoping not to forget everythind after the break. 

Love and Blessings!

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